A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1655

She went back to Leng Yicheng's bedroom, and the little ones were almost washed.

She took her son's bottle, turned to her bedroom and washed it before turning back.

Leng Yicheng came out after taking a bath. Her little body was wrapped in a bath towel and only her legs were exposed.

The summer solstice looks at his son with a shy expression. His face is full of egg powder. Just after taking a bath, his face is softer and more lovely.

She came to pick up the little guy, and gave him a kiss on his face, "have you finished washing incense?"

"Well!" Leng Yicheng is buried in her shoulder.

She smiles, "Mommy, dress you!"

She holds him in her arms, puts him on the bed, turns around and puts the bottle. Leng Yicheng jumps out of bed, takes his pants and puts them on.

As soon as the summer solstice turned around, I saw him pulling his pants in a hurry. I couldn't help but feel funny.

Can't help teasing him, "Mommy saw it!"

Leng Yicheng's little face turned red, and her soft voice was a little shy. "Mommy, I'm still a child. I'm not good-looking. You go to see daddy!"

Summer solstice blushed, light reprimand, "not bashful!"

Leng Yicheng narrowed his eyes with a smile.

She took a T-shirt and put it on him. She took shorts and put it on him.

Leng Yicheng holds her neck in one hand and doesn't let go until her trousers are put on.

"Mommy, can I sleep with you tonight?"

She raised her eyes to look forward to the little guy, and kneaded his hair. She asked softly, "do you want to sleep with Mommy?"

"Well!" Leng Yicheng's eyebrows are bright and nodding.

She took the bottle to fill him with milk, Leng Yicheng saw ran past, "Mommy, I take a cup to drink."

Summer solstice turned to see him, soft voice told, "then you drink carefully, don't choke ah!"


She just took the cup and poured one for her son.

Leng Yicheng takes it and sips it.

"Drink with a straw!"

See still have straw, she smoked a to put in the cup, cold Yi Cheng happily drink with straw.

There was still a lot of milk in the pot. She poured a glass and drank it herself. There was almost a glass left.

When her son finished the cup, she asked him to drink the rest of it before he went to clean it.

"Come on, let's go back to sleep over there!"

Putting things away, she beckoned the little guy over.

Leng Yicheng with a flat, climb up the big bed, comfortable roll down, and then lie on the bed to see.

Summer solstice came out with his clothes and saw that he was cocking his feet. Funny correction, "just full, don't lie down, get up and sit!"

Leng Yicheng got up quickly, took a few pillows and piled them together. Her little body kept climbing on the bed, took her own flat and pulled the quilt. She was very busy.

Xia Zhi shakes his head with a smile and gives a warning. Then he goes into the bathroom to take a bath.

"Baby, you can play by yourself, Mommy went to take a bath! Don't watch TV too close! "

"I see, Mommy!"

Leng Yicheng responds happily. His head turns and he stares at the tablet. It's not a TV, but the monitor of the study.

It's a pity that it's a little far away, and blocked by Ji Yixi's body, he can't see things clearly on the computer screen and sighs.

Small hands in the thigh position, eyes blink of trance.

What are daddy and uncle Ji doing?

Just thinking, his video phone rang..

It's Moqing.

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