A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1710

After blowing her hair, Xiaoyue receives a message. When she opens it, she looks at the thief smiling at Lao Wu. The corner of her mouth is stiff for a moment.

"What's the matter with this man?"

She turned off her cell phone and put it aside, ignoring the abnormal man.

Ji Yixi didn't sleep for a while, playing with his mobile phone, and didn't wait for Xiaoyue to reply.

"What are you doing?"

When the message came, she gave out a Ding Dong sound. Xiaoyue came and saw that it was Lao Wu looking for her again.

Her face sank heavy, did not restrain, reply a past directly, "what do you want to do?"

"Can't sleep!"

Looking at the message from the other side, Xiaoyue finally determines that someone is bored and full.

"You can't sleep. What's my business?"

"Let's talk?"

"I have nothing to talk about with you. I'm going to bed."

Who is a night owl like him? She wants to have a beauty sleep.

"Thinking about being my assistant? The salary is good! "

Ji Yixi continues to throw bait.

Xiaoyue looked at it and said, "no!"

Ji Yixi's face sank down and his tone hardened a bit.

"Not everyone has this chance. You are my sister-in-law's best friend, so I keep it for you!"

"Thank you very much!"

Xiaoyue doesn't want to talk to him much, she just mutes her mobile phone.

"The job content is small and the salary is high. Where can you find such a good job?"

"What's more, if you look like this, go out and look for a job, and be careful of the hidden rules!"

"I'm an acquaintance. It's absolutely safe for you to work here!"

Ji Yixi sent several messages in a row, and found that Xiaoyue didn't return to him, frowning.

"What are you doing? Come back!"

After a while, there was no response.

"You're not sleeping, are you?" Ji Yixi shakes the corners of his mouth and looks depressed.

"I fell asleep and didn't know to say good night to me. It's impolite!"

He sent a few more messages. Xiaoyue still didn't reply him. Lao Wu got up and went to the balcony. He saw that the balcony light on the south side was still on, lying on the railing and yelled.

"Old four!"

"Old four?"

What's more, this guy shouldn't be him?

Already asleep in the south, I heard his cry and woke up vaguely, but I didn't want to pay attention to him. I turned over and went on sleeping.

Feeling that the light was a little harsh, he closed his eyes and touched the head of the bed to turn off the light.

Ji Yixi saw that the light in the next room went out. Jun's face sank and he angrily scolded, "you ignore me, don't you think it's so easy to catch up with Nuan Nuan, hum!"

After strolling around the balcony, he didn't adapt to taking such an early rest. He turned around and put on a bathrobe, went downstairs to the study in the cold weather, turned on his computer, logged in his account, and quickly formed a team.

The next day, Ji Yixi, with panda eyes on his head, went upstairs from the study with a cat on his waist, like a guilty conscience.

Genius just Mengliang, B uncle came to start busy, see his figure, said hello.

"Why don't you get up so early?"

Ji Yixi was scared. She turned back and said with a smile: "yes, I'm thirsty. I'll come down to drink water!"

"There is no water in the room. You can tell me to prepare for you in advance."

Uncle B didn't pay attention to anything else. He gave an advice.

"It's OK. Get up and walk. It's not far away!"

Ji Yixi laughed a few times, then turned around, quickly went upstairs, went back to the room and went to sleep.

Leng Yicheng got up in the morning and thought of something that he didn't figure out. He quickly ran to the study, turned on the computer and wanted to check the information. As a result, the computer couldn't start up after half a day.

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