A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1811

"Where are you hiding things? Take them out quickly!"

"I didn't take it!" Rong Liqi looked at the chaos in the room. Her eyes were dark. She raised her neck and retorted loudly.

Rongshou grits his teeth, squints his eyes, looks at his daughter's refusal, and his heart shakes slightly.

Didn't she really take it?

"Lao Rong, did you misunderstand that Qiqi didn't take your things?"

Mrs. Rong looked at her daughter and advised her husband.

"The adjutant brought things over, and I put them in my study, and the things disappeared. She was just near the study at that time. Could she fly away by herself?"

Rongshou hands akimbo, sharp eyes staring at his face against the daughter.

"Maybe not before?" Mrs. Rong whispered.

"No way!" Rongshou doesn't even want to refute.

His subordinates are open and aboveboard and will never do anything like that.

It doesn't do them any good.

Mrs. Rong choked.

"I'm not the only one at home. Why doubt me?" Rong Liqi sneered, "am I so bad in your eyes?"

Besides the master, the Rong family also has servants.

"Could it be them..."

Mrs. Rong also thinks that the servant is suspicious, not necessarily her daughter.

Rong Shou glared at her fiercely, "you just let her go!"

"If you don't admit it, you can keep me in the room until you admit it!"

"You'd better watch her. If you let her out, the Rong family will not be the Rong family any more!"

Let's leave a sentence, rongshou left.

Mrs. Rong was so sad that she asked anxiously, "Qiqi, tell mom, did you take your dad's things?"

"I didn't!" Rong Liqi went directly into the room and slammed the door, "I'll let him apologize to me, I'm right!"

Looking at the closed door, Mrs. Rong sighed deeply. When she went downstairs, the capital of Rong was gone.

Rongshou doesn't know how to explain it to lengtian. He wants to delay it for a few days to see if his daughter can figure it out and hand it in.

He's still selfish.

If the cold weather knows that Qiqi has taken things, it's hard for him to forget.

Rong head headache unceasingly, did not expect his daughter so hard, the thing also hide so secret.

"Rongshou, have you found it?"

Although the adjutant didn't follow in, the Rong family was so noisy that he heard one or two.

"I haven't found it. Let's slow down for a few days."

Rongshou sighed and asked him to drive to the army.


He stayed in his apartment for a few days and didn't come out. Ji Yixi asked several partners to come out for dinner and talk about the cooperation by the way.

I didn't expect to meet Xiaoyue on a blind date, so I turned black on the spot.

He glared sullenly.

Feeling a bad look, Xiaoyue looked up and saw him. Her heart trembled and she quickly looked away.

How can I meet him here.

Xiaoyue twists her clothes and has the illusion that she is caught cheating by her husband on the spot. She is very uncomfortable.

What's more, she has nothing to do with him. She has a guilty heart.

She straightened up and sat up straight. As for what her mother said to each other, she didn't listen to a word.

"Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue!" Luo Yuemei saw her daughter's dejected appearance, others all spoke to her without saying a word, angrily twisted her thigh.

"Hiss!" Xiaoyue returns to her senses and rubs the pinched position, complaining: "Mom, what are you pinching me for?"

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