A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1821

Leng Yicheng looked at her coolly and said, "aunt Ziqi, do I have such a great charm?"

Xiaoyue smiles and squints.

Ziqi puffed and nodded with a smile, "yes, you are so handsome when you are young that people want to take you away. When you grow up, you will not know how many girls you are attracted to!"

Leng Yicheng looked at the man who was speechless. "Don't worry, I won't be like my father, but I'm very single-minded!"

Cold days lost a look in the past.

"You know how to be specific!" Ziqi surprised, laughing tease the little guy, "you don't like the girl, also single-minded?"

Leng Yicheng despised her and said seriously: "there is a couple in our class!"

Suddenly, they open their mouths in amazement. Is it true or not?

I'm a kindergarten kid.

"How do you know they're a couple?" Xiaoyue laughingly looks at the little guy's soft and cute appearance and waves him to sit down.

The little guy is holding the arm of the summer solstice, not in the past.

Summer solstice funny touch son cool hair.

"It's shameless of me to see them kiss me. I sprinkle dog food in front of me. When I find it later, I sprinkle dog food for them too!"

Leng Yicheng suddenly snorts.

The car was quiet, and a sentence flashed through everyone's mind: are kindergartens so open now?

"Are they brothers and sisters?" Summer solstice surprised, asked his son.

"No, I see their parents are different!" Leng Yi is very sincere.

Is the atmosphere of the school not good? It seems that the management is too relaxed. How can such a thing happen.

The summer solstice took a look at him.

"The students in the school are so open, the influence is too bad." These children will do these things, maybe they are also influenced by their parents.

It can't last long.

She's really worried about her baby's puppy love.

"Baby, the two children's practice is wrong, we don't want to learn from them, the people we like can't be casual!"

She told the little guy in a soft voice that the child had many opinions and was very smart. He should understand her.

"I know, Mommy, don't worry. I will not be casual even if I meet someone I like. I will bring them back to you to see them!"

The summer solstice is hilarious.

"OK, show it to Mommy. As long as it's a good girl, Mommy won't object to you!"

"Thank you, Mommy!" Leng Yicheng hugs her arm and laughs happily.

The cold day swept one eye oneself happy little fellow, the ear raised a face to order a, "forbid puppy love!"

"What is puppy love like?" Leng Yicheng blinks his eyes and asks curiously.

Cold days glare at him, "the love before the university is puppy love!"

Leng Yicheng opened his mouth in surprise and turned his black eyes a few times. "I know. Why don't you give me an example? Aunt Nuan and uncle Nan are in puppy love!"

Xiazhi and Ziqi Xiaoyue are about to burst into tears.

"Baby, it's a bit wrong for you to think so. Your aunt nuannan and uncle Nan grew up together from childhood. They are different. Besides, they didn't fall in love together. It's not puppy love

"Is childhood OK?" Cold Yi Cheng small eyebrows tangled together, touched his chin, "where can I find a childhood sweetheart?"

In cold weather, he smoked.

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