A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 1838

"Yes It's a pity that this is a beautiful place to be in love



A few people laughed.

"Baby, who taught you that?"

Summer solstice looked at the serious little guy, son even know this, is not a bit precocious?

Leng Yicheng looks at her innocently, "Uncle Ji!"

Summer solstice, "..."

This five!

Why do you talk to children?

"Old five usually teaches you this?" The South cried out in a funny way.

"More than that, uncle Ji has taught me a lot, the most common one is how to play games, but after he taught me, he can't beat me. It's really stupid!"

The little guy sighed and said, on the other hand, he was still working hard. The old five suddenly sneezed, looked and noticed that they were not there.

Can not help but speed up to catch up with the cold, "boss, where are they?"

"It's going to the forest road."

I don't worry about old four with bodyguards in cold weather.

"Shit, they're enjoying it. They don't wait for us!"

Ji Yixi said.

Cold day slanted him one eye, "don't you enjoy? Ten laps to go

They're going to have 20 laps, 800 meters each, and they're going to win or lose.

Twenty laps, to pull out a little distance, is not a good horse, one than to know.

After kicking Yinmei in cold weather, the speed will be up, reaching 70 kilometers per hour.

"Shit! So fierce

Ji Yixi saw the cold weather and pulled away 50 or 60 meters from him, so he quickly caught up with him.

Li Ziheng's horse caught up with him and cried with a smile, "Why are you slowing down? Don't you want me to win? "

"You dream!" Ji Yixi stares at him, but he doesn't want to lose.

Don't mention the rest. He's a bit good at riding.

Looking at the guy rushing to the front, Li Ziheng shakes his head. But he hasn't raced with them for a long time. He is very interested and wants to fight.

On the racecourse, three people, one in front of the other, galloped on the track.

Fortunately, no one else joined.

Knowing that they were coming, the manager of the racecourse cancelled the appointment of others. Today, it's their booking.

There are no other horses on the track. They run more and more happily.


On the last lap, on a cold day, Yinmei was pulled at the entrance of the trail. Yinmei quickly stopped and landed with her front hooves raised.

Handsome, simply.

The tail wagged, very comfortable.

Like its owner.

The cold weather is waiting for Ji Yixi to catch up.

"Boss, is your silver charm doping? It's so fast!" Jiyixi stops and complains.

Cold day arrogantly glanced at his horse, "that's your horse, no more."

Ji Yixi's mouth twitched violently.

Li Ziheng came over and said with a smile, "you are all so fast!"

Won Li Ziheng one, old five is still very proud of, glared at him one eye, "you come over for what?"

Well, this guy doesn't want to go for a walk with them?

"Isn't this the end?"

Li Ziheng kicked his horse and went to the forest road.

"Cunning fellow!" Ji Yixi drew the corner of his mouth and snorted.

The cold day glanced at him, "go ahead!"

Don't know what his wife is doing,

want to see the summer solstice early, cold weather let Silver Charm trot up.

"Mr. Leng, Yinwan development, are you interested?"

Li Ziheng followed him and began to talk with the cold weather.

Cold day side head looked at him one eye, "what do you want to do?"

Li Ziheng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "how about our cooperation and joint development?"

"I've got it!"

Kick the horse in the cold and run to the front.

Li Ziheng was shocked.

Isn't it?

Such a big project, I swallowed it in cold weather?

"Ha ha..."

There was a wild laugh coming from behind him. Li Ziheng looked back at him with a black face.

Ji Yixi smiles and squints his peach blossom eyes. Seeing Li Ziheng's black face, he is happier than he gets the project.

"I thought it was a project to make money. It was won by the boss! It's none of your business! "

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