A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 206

Take them to a five-star hotel for dinner in cold weather, and the summer solstice is silent.

"Mommy, the food here is delicious! You must eat more later! "

Sitting in the private room, the little guy came to her and ordered food in the cold.

"Good! Do you want to wash your hands? "

The summer solstice scraped his face with his fingers.

"Well, Mommy, there's a restroom here. I'll take you!"

Leng Yicheng slides down and goes to the bathroom.

The summer solstice followed him quickly and yelled, "go slowly, don't fall!"

Hotel service, took a look at the direction of the summer solstice, friendly with the cold under the joke, "lengshao, this is your child's mother ah? It looks like it

Cold hand meal, eyes flash flash flash, and did not answer, a dozen dishes in a row, let people go out first.

"Mummy, you are not allowed to peep!"

Leng Yicheng is standing by the toilet. Her face is flushed. She pulls her pants and tells the summer solstice.

She laughed and said softly, "I see. Go ahead and pee

She spoiled the rub under the head of the little guy, then turned his back.

Enjoying the toilet decoration of the five-star hotel, she is more advanced than the one she lives in.

Tut tut!

How many oceans does it cost to have a meal here!

She felt that if she took out her own money, she would definitely be reluctant to come to the high-class place here. Even if she ate it once in more than ten years, she felt heartbroken.

"Mommy, I'm done!"

Leng Yicheng pulls up his trousers and walks away. The sound of water rushing starts. Xiazhi turns around and picks him up and goes outside. He washes his hands and wipes them dry before he puts him down.

"Baby, you go out first, I'll be fine in a minute!"

"Mommy, I'll wait for you!" Leng Yicheng looks at her seriously.

Summer solstice low smile next, bent over to scrape his small nose, smile way: "OK, I hurry up!"

This little guy is so sweet. He knows how to wait for others.

She went to a convenient place, came out to wash her hands, took the little guy back to the room, did not see the figure of the man, she subconsciously looked for the next.

"Well, daddy is on the balcony! He's on the phone

Leng Yicheng took her hand and said with a smile.

Summer solstice saw the past, just on the man's eyes, cold days even made a gesture to her, she hastily back to a smile, with Leng Yicheng in the compartment inside watching animation.

When the food came up, the man's phone call was over.

Cold day came in, took the red wine and opened it.

The summer solstice glanced at him and thought that he was going to drive. He couldn't help saying, "don't you want to drive?"

Does this person want to drink driving?

"Let them drive later!"

Cool day handsome open bottle cap, pour wine on two cups.

The summer solstice looked at the long, well-defined finger, then glanced at his short and thick finger, and couldn't help shrinking.

A man's fingers are so good-looking, but also let women live.


Put down a glass in front of her on a cold day and immediately sit down beside her.

The summer solstice is embarrassing. Even if they eat at home, they don't sit so close.

She put the wine aside and whispered, "I can't drink!"

"It's OK to have a little taste!"

Cold day Mou Ren deeply swept her one eye, the woman delicate small face, with a trace of charming scarlet, delicate and lovely.

"I want to sit among you!"

Leng Yicheng takes a look, slides down from his seat and pushes into the middle of them. Xiazhi is very happy and moves to the position where Leng Yicheng sat before.

Squinting at my son in the cold.

Leng Yicheng narrowed his eyes to the smile, lay down on his leg and said, "I like to be with Daddy!"

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