A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 210

"Ha ha, Mommy..."

Seeing the arrival of the summer solstice, Leng Yicheng was worried again. "Mommy, wait for me! I'm not very good at... "

"Press this, take your time!"

The sharp drive of the summer solstice comes back to him and guides him. Leng Yicheng soon finds out and races with her.

"Baby, that's great!"

She's going around with the little guy.

"Ha ha, Mommy, have fun!"

Leng Yicheng cackles and plays with sweat on his face.

"Baby, pay attention, I ran into it!"

Summer solstice bad smile to remind a, driving kart gently to the little guy's car hit.

Leng Yicheng's body was severely shocked, and he didn't admit defeat. His little hand held the handle tightly and bumped back.

Suddenly, the mother and the son played together, laughing constantly, and the people on the field were led by them.

There are little lovers, parents with children, are also the same, began to collide.

The big guys still bump into each other when they play hard.

"Mommy, Mommy, come on, we're going to lose."

Leng Yicheng yells. His car is pushed back by others. The summer solstice's eyes flash, and he crashes into each other's side. Suddenly, each other's car slides away to the other side and bumps into other people's car.

Everyone didn't admit defeat. They resisted each other. There was a lot of fun.

"Come on, baby, give me a slap!"

Summer solstice glides to the little guy's side and reaches out his hand to clap with him.

"Mommy, you are so good!" Leng Yicheng adores him so much that his mother has beaten back many opponents.

"Our baby is also great. Practice makes perfect. It's great after playing for a long time."

The summer solstice dotes on to touch his head, the water eye is crystal clear incomparable, on the face swings the heart joy.

Let that sweat wet small face appear more vivid, charming.

My eyes are deep in cold weather.

The bodyguards also stood by and watched them play. They couldn't help but have an impulse to join.

"Would you like to go down and play with me, sir?"

Cold day picked next brow tip, looked at the field has not played enough mother and son two, slightly nodded, that casually asked the bodyguard Zheng Xia.

On a cold day, Ning Mei looks over, and he immediately runs to get the car.

Staring at the small go kart, my forehead jumped up abruptly in the cold. After a while, I sat on it.


Several bodyguards standing on one side couldn't help laughing.

Cold boss a sharp sweep over, suddenly everyone has moved their eyes.

Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.

Several bodyguards standing outside the field could not bear to laugh until their stomachache.

"Hee hee Mommy, Mommy, look

Leng Yicheng, who is the first to see the go kart driving in cold weather, laughs happily for a while, then reaches out and grabs the hand of the next summer solstice, pointing to the man and laughing incessantly.

It's funny that daddy drives such a small car.

The tall man, sitting in a low car, has long legs and hands, which are hard to put. He can only open to both sides. At first glance, he looks like a big crab.

Summer solstice looked back and saw a man driving a go kart with a stiff face. The completely inconsistent painting style made her puff and smile.

Leng boss even came to play this!?

"What are you laughing at?"

The cold weather soon came, and when he saw that everyone was laughing, especially the biggest smile of the summer solstice, he glared at her fiercely, and the car hit her straight.

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