A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 23

"Young lady, you work on the 86th floor of the design department."

Ji min takes her into the elevator and tells Xia Zhi.

"Well, director Ji, you can call me as small as possible." Xia Zhi is embarrassed to hook the hair beside her cheek. She is not used to it, and it is not easy to let others know her identity in the company.

It's not good for her to make friends.

"Well, I understand!" Director Ji answered with a smile.

When the elevator door opened, director Ji bowed her to go out first, and then took her to the design department.

The work rhythm of large companies is compact, especially the design department, which is the core Department of Fenglei group, is very busy.

Everyone is working hard. When they pass by, they all greet the economic director warmly. By the way, they look at her curiously and immediately bow their heads to do things seriously. The summer solstice nods with a smile to say hello.

"Good morning, director Ji!"

"Good morning, director Ji!"

"Hello everyone

Summer solstice feel this busy and warm atmosphere, there is a kind of blood boiling, where she is going to work, it seems very good.

"Summer solstice, this way!"

"Good!" She quickly withdrew her gaze and trotted to keep up with the economic director.

Director Ji joked, "the design department is busy. Don't be scared."

"No, I will work hard. Don't worry!" It doesn't matter for her to be busy. What she fears most is that she can't learn anything.

Director Ji took her directly to the office of the head of the design department and introduced her to them.

"Xia Zhi, this is Liu Zhi, director of your design department."

"Hello, director Liu! I am the summer solstice The other side looks very serious and stern, and the solstice greets politely.

"Director Liu, this is the new person I mentioned to you last night. You should take it with you. If you have any questions, you can give me feedback at any time."

I'll stop here.

"Well!" Liu Zhi looked at the summer solstice, and he was just a new man. His heart suddenly dropped. He thought the company would arrange some talents for him. As a result, he was a new man.

Such a completely inexperienced and no results, just out of the society of college students, afraid to go through the back door, right?

Even if the bottom of his heart is not happy, but Liu Zhi did not show it, or very polite and decent to take them out.

"Let's put our work first." Liu Zhi clapped his hands, and everyone turned to look over. Then he continued: "this is the summer solstice. Welcome to our department!"

Under the applause, accompanied by a small male colleagues excited and female colleagues curious.

"Wow, there's a new beauty!"

"Good girl!"

"It's so beautiful!"

"Why did someone come again all of a sudden? I haven't heard of recruitment! "

Summer solstice hands together, nodded with a smile response, "Hello everyone, I am the summer solstice, please take care of more in the future."

"Summer solstice, your position is here. Get familiar with the environment first, and I'll arrange work for you later."

Liu Zhi led her to an empty position. It can be seen that it was temporarily added. There was nothing and it was empty.

"The computer, the logistics department will send it right away."

"Thank you, director." During the summer solstice, Liu Zhi bowed.

"Take it easy. If you have anything to say to me, or you can find them. Everyone is easy to get along with." Liu Zhi told her, nodded with Ji min, and turned back to the office.

"Summer solstice, if you have any problems, please come to me at any time. I'll go first. I'll get used to it slowly. I'm not in a hurry." Ji min patted her arm and said hello to her before leaving.

"Well, chief Ji, take your time!"

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