A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 2255

Ji Yixi took Xiaoyue to buy a lot of sweets and fruits. She went to the fifth one.

Luo Yuemei had been waiting for a long time. Did she look at the door.

When the old lady saw it, she was very amused. "OK, hurry to cook. When people come, they will ring the doorbell, so that Xiao Xi won't come and have no food to eat."

Luo Yue Mei narrowed her eyes with a smile, "Mom, am I not excited?"

"Ha ha, it's not the first time to see you!" The other three aunts and six aunts laughed and came to join in the fun and help prepare the food by the way.

"That's different. I used to come here to play, but now I'm officially coming to visit. Can it be the same? Must be ready in advance! Hurry up, I'm going to cook! "

Luo Yuemei's grinning mouth is going to the back of her ears. Before she went into the kitchen, she told the old lady, "Mom, you can call Lao Zhou again to see where he's back. Let him bring some wine and cigarettes back!"

"Come on, hurry up, I'll hurry him up!" The old lady was smiling, dressed in neat, brand-new cotton and hemp clothes, and she was hale and hearty.

The old lady rushed to call her son and urged the fifth continent to go home quickly, "ah Zhou, hurry up, or Xiaoyue will bring Xiaoxi back later, and you haven't come back yet. It's not good for everyone to wait for you!"

"Yuemei said, let you bring some cigarettes and wine, remember, buy the best!"

"Yes, Ma, I'll be home in a minute!" The fifth continent is funny.

"Hold on!" The old lady told a, just hang up the phone, busy up, put fruit what, see where not very pleasing to the eye under the adjustment.

Everyone at home is busy and busy.

Ji Yixi stops his car at the gate of the residential building and carries all the candy he bought with Xiaoyue.

"I'll help you!"

Xiaoyue came forward to help, Ji Yixi dodged, "no, I'll carry it, you open the elevator door, there are still things in the trunk!"

"What else?" Xiaoyue is surprised. When did he prepare it.

Ji Yixi narrowed her eyes with a smile, strode inside and asked her to follow the guard, "come here quickly!"

Xiaoyue has no choice but to follow and block the elevator door. Ji Yixi runs out and opens the trunk to see a lot of things inside. Ji Yixi's eyes flicker.

What Kong bought is really complete.

He stacked them one by one, then hugged and carried them, and went in.

Xiaoyue see, instant eyes are staring, "what do you buy so many things to do?"

"Hey, hey, gifts!"

Ji Yixi carefully put it down and went to the car.

Xiaoyue looked at the figure he walked past, the corners of her mouth twitched, "how many more!"

"Not much, just a little!" Ji Yixi replied and took out all the things in the trunk before closing and locking the door.

Bending over, carrying a few boxes of things, he walked over.

Seeing that he was struggling, Xiaoyue quickly came to help take some, "just come to have a meal, you still buy so many things!"

Ji Yixi didn't have time to answer her. She moved everything into the elevator and put it away.

Neighbors came to take the elevator, this can not go up, had to stand aside.

"This is Xiaoyue, your boyfriend?"

"Well, yes, Auntie!" Xiaoyue said hello to others, embarrassed.

Ji Yixi took a few fruits and handed them over, "Auntie, have a fruit!"

"Thank you, thank you. You're very kind!" The aunt took the fruit with smiling hands and looked at Ji Yixi.

Ji Yixi narrowed his eyes with a smile and nodded, "Auntie, you're welcome!"

"Auntie, let's go up first. Bye!"

Xiaoyue waves, walks into the elevator and presses the floor.

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