A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 234

The cell phone suddenly rang in the cold.

Seeing that it was Ji Yixi, he picked it up and looked at the south to check the summer solstice.

Ji Yixi, who was on the other side, didn't dare to talk nonsense and quickly reported: "boss, I found out that it was Xia Yinyin, her cousin, who attacked her sister-in-law, and Xia Yinyin's other two friends, who were also accomplices. They called fan Xiaohui and Lu Xiaomei. They wanted to buy a drug for their sister-in-law to make a bad sister-in-law's reputation..."

"Where is that man now?" In the cold sky, Phoenix's eyes glided a little fiercely.

The sinister light is extremely frightening.

"That boss Luo?" Ji Yixi asked, did not see the man's response, continued: "that person is still waiting!"

"Since they want to stink my wife's reputation, I'll give them a good hand." The voice of a cold day is cold and inhumane.

Suddenly, Xia Junbu looks back at the man's face and looks at him again.

This, this woman is the boss's wife?!

Oh, no!

"Check it quickly!" Seeing him distracted, he yelled in the cold.

"Ah?" Ji Yixi thought it was a man yelling at him. He was puzzled, "boss, I've found out. Don't you pursue them?"

And help them? what do you mean?

Don't help my sister-in-law teach the bad guys?

"When did I say no?" Cold day dark calm handsome face, dare to move his people, these people eat bear heart leopard gall, right?

When Ji Yixi heard him, he finally felt that he was more normal. No one could offend lengshao, but he could retreat.

Sure enough, the voice of the man's ice crack passed.

"Give them what they like, and then enjoy it!"

"Yes, boss!" The thief laughed and immediately hung up the phone. He went out to find the two women who had been controlled.

"As long as you do something for me, I'll let you go!"

"Good! As long as Ji Shao asks, we will do it. "

Fan Xiaohui and Lu Xiaomei nodded frequently. They didn't expect that Ji Yixi knew the summer solstice, let alone that he would help the summer solstice deal with them.

They are unlucky today. If they don't know the situation, they calculate the summer solstice.

Li Ziheng is not enough, and there is another season to the West. They are all rich and powerful people in Jiangcheng. They can't afford to offend.

Ji Yixi smiles, and his peach blossom eyes show a trace of coldness, "very good!"

After hearing what he said, fan Xiaohui and Lu Xiaomei were not very well, but they both nodded.

"You don't want to run away on the way. Do you know what it's like to run away?" Ji Yixi smiles to remind a, that face smile meat don't smile of appearance extremely Yin. Evil.

They nodded in fear, then shook their heads, "we won't run away!"

"That's good. Hurry up. I can't wait."

They didn't dare to delay and went back to find Xia Yinyin.

"Are we really going to do this?"

Lu Xiaomei is so timid that fan Xiaohui stares at her, "if you don't do it, you can run away now! But are you sure you're going to be able to get past jiisi? "

Xia Yinyin gave her the medicine. She was the mastermind. It had nothing to do with them.

"Then go!" Lu Xiaomei doesn't want to go in by herself. There must be a personal sacrifice, and this person must be Xia Yinyin.

They are just helping her to teach the summer solstice.

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