A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 242

Back home, I didn't see Xiao Chengcheng. The summer solstice still missed him.

I didn't come back all night. Is the little guy worried?

"Uncle Leng, where's Xiao Chengcheng?"

"Young lady, the young master was taken away by the master and went to the old house!"

Leng Deyi looks at the summer solstice with a smile. She seems to see something. Her eyes look back and forth between her and lengtian.

"Young lady, were you with the young master last night?"

The summer solstice blushed awkwardly. She touched her neck and laughed, "I happened to meet you!"

"Well, when did the young master come back from his business trip?" The housekeeper saw her blush and looked away to greet the cold weather.

"Last night!" Cold light should way, and then toward the summer solstice said, "today you don't go to the company, at home a good rest day, I went to old house to take cold Yicheng!"

"I'll go with you!"

Although embarrassed, but she really miss the little guy.

Cold day looked at her and said in a deep voice: "you are not well. Go in and have a rest! I'll take him directly to the company, or do you want to go to the company for a rest? "

The summer solstice choked. She was really not in the mood to do things today, so she had better rest.

Cold day looked at her, also did not care about her, nodded with the Housekeeper on the car directly to the old house.


She also wanted to ask him if he wanted to have breakfast, but all the men got in the car and left.

"Young lady, go in and have something to eat!"

The housekeeper called, summer solstice nodded, dragged some soreness legs to the restaurant, ate something and went upstairs to have a rest.

I don't know how Xia Yinyin arranges her with Luo Yuying.

After finding her daughter, Luo Yuying sees that she has been trampled all over her body. Suddenly, her blood pressure soars and she is dizzy.

She held the wall and rubbed the temple with one hand. She was out of breath and asked anxiously, "Yinyin, what are you doing?"

She didn't believe what was said on the Internet. Her daughter would never have done such a stupid thing.

"Ma I've been set up! " Xia Yinyin burst into tears, aggrieved and resentful.

"Who is it, tell mom, mom will help you to get justice, dare to frame my daughter, I let him eat more than go!"

Luo Yuying grabs Xia Yinyin's arm, and her eyes want to crack. She wants to rush to kill people.

"Mom, last night, I was supposed to send that bitch of summer solstice. I don't know why, she didn't go. Then fan Xiaohui and Lu Xiaomei cheated me to go up to find boss Luo together..."

After listening to what Xia Yinyin said, Luo Yuying was shocked. She thought that she just sold the little bitch Xia Zhi to boss Luo. She didn't expect that there would be another one.

Her daughter would have come up with the idea of drugging.

She looked at her daughter who was a little crazy. She was very distressed. She was afraid that last night's events had caused a shadow to her.

It's the summer solstice. If she doesn't run, her daughter will be fine.

"Mother will never let her go, don't worry! Yinyin, let's go to the hospital first! "

Luo Yuying saw that her daughter was not good at all. She was distressed and resentful. She wanted to kill the PigHead man.

"I'm not going to the hospital!" Xia Yinyin repels her. Her appearance is too humiliating.

"You can't do it without going, son, you I'm afraid we'll have a baby. We'd better go to the hospital and clean it! " Luo Yuying earnestly advised her.

"No, mom, I don't want to be pregnant with a bastard!" Xia Yinyin was scared.

"Come on, mom will go with you."

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