A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 2518

Jingdong sent Xiazhi back to the hospital, then sent Ziqi home.

Ziqi leans on the seat and suddenly quiets down. She is a little sleepy.


With a low voice, Ziqi turns to see the man driving.


Ziqi laughed in a low voice, "a little bit!"

"How long will you sleep? I'll call you when it's time

Jingdong takes out the blanket for her, Ziqi takes it, "thank you!"

Jingdong side Mou looked at her, see her sleepy, the car drove faster.

At Ziqi's house, Ziqi doesn't wake up. Jingdong stops the car and looks at her for a while before he plans to take her in.

“....” Ziqi looked at him a little confused.

"Wake up?"

Her eyes droop and her face turns red with embarrassment.


Ziqi blinked, embarrassed to look at him, "can you put me down?"

Jingdong feels that the person in his arms is a little stiff. He laughs and releases her.

"I just saw you sleeping so hard that I can't wake you up."

Jingdong looks at her deeply and answers seriously.

Ziqi dodged the next vision, nodded, eh.

She quickly opened the door and went in. Jingdong followed her.

Ziqi looked back at him, Jingdong naturally looked at her, "open the door."

Ziqi: "I'm not sure."

"You Is it here today? "

"Well!" Jingdong looked at her with fixed eyes, and didn't feel anything wrong.

Ziqi blinked his eyes, he wanted to go back to his home, a burst of speechless.

She had to open the door and take him in.

"Did you ask for leave?"

Suddenly, Jingdong asked.

The son Qi Zheng next, just reaction come over, what he says is tomorrow's affair.

"Well, later, please!" Ziqi laughed.

"Shall I help you?" Jingdong eyes calmly looking at her, Ziqi shook his head, "no, I'll tell Fang tezhu in a moment."

Jingdong raises his eyebrows and closes the door.

Ziqi looked at him and choked, "don't you go out for a walk?"

Jingdong looked at her and asked, "do you want to go out?"

The atmosphere is a little embarrassed, Ziqi looks away and smiles.

"No!" She just wanted to sleep.

Jingdong nodded, "then don't go out."

"Well Then... "

She waved her hand and said with a smile, "then help yourself. I'll go up."

With that, she ran up the stairs quickly.

Jingdong's eyes moved up with her figure, laughing.

Is she shy?

He stood for a while before entering the room and came out ten minutes later to have a bath.

Jingdong went to the kitchen and boiled the water.

Think about it, he took out his mobile phone again, studied it, and started ordering some takeout.

Then he turned on the TV in the living room, sat down and waited.

In about twenty minutes, the takeout came.


He called upstairs, but there was no response.

He put all his food on the tea table. After waiting for a while, he looked at it. He went upstairs to call Ziqi.


He knocked at the door and didn't respond.

"Ziqi, I ordered some snacks and came out to have some."

Ziqi is taking a bath. The sound of water is very loud. She feels as if she heard someone calling her.

She turned off the water in a hurry.


"What's the matter?" She called out.

Afraid he didn't hear her, she took a bath towel, opened the bathroom door and poked her head out.

Just to Jingdong's sight, she smiles awkwardly.

"What can I do for you?"

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