A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 2604

Summer solstice smile.

"It's OK, I'll call grandpa!"

Leng Chao was stunned and began to laugh.

"Well, I'm fine. Where's Xiaotian?"

"He's next door. He just got up."

The old man nodded.

The summer solstice accompanied the old man for a while. Before the cold weather came, she went to the next room.

"On a cold day, my grandfather is still in a low mood. You can talk to him more later."

"Well!" He turned to look at her in the cold and nodded slightly.

Summer solstice walked over, hugged him from behind and rubbed him.

Cold slightly side head, drooping eyes at her, "what's the matter?"

"Comfort you!" Summer solstice looked at him with a smile, slightly curved mouth.

The cold day eye light flickered under, the corner of the mouth lightly Yang, low voice way: "I am all right."

"Baby, let me comfort you a lot!"

In the cold, she raised her eyebrows, turned around, raised her chin, and bent down.

The summer solstice is red.

"It must be so comforting!"

Men's low voice with a trace of dumb, very provocative.

"Not serious!"

The summer solstice gave him a shy look.

Seriously asked: "are you really OK?"


On a cold day, he buttoned his sleeve and held a touch of evil spirit in his mouth. "Have you ever seen me have something to do?"

Summer solstice mouth corner smoked to smoke, very speechless to proud Jiao's somebody.

"If you don't have anything to do, go and accompany your grandfather!"

She patted him on the back.

In the cold, he stood there, buttoning slowly.

"Grandfather is in a bad mood. What else is there?"

The cold day asks with concern.

"The spirit is also a little bit not very good, I just told him to shout a few times before my grandfather regained his consciousness."

On a cold day, he frowned and turned to look at the old man.

The summer solstice cleaned up the room before following.

"Ah Rong!"

The cold weather heel meal, brow wrinkled a few minutes.

Summer solstice heart suffocated, worried looking at the old man.

Uncle a is also worried about looking at the old man. What's the matter?

Cold days come in from the door, against the light, a bit like the father's figure, let lengchao flash God, seems to see his son.


Cold days go to the old man, squat down, lift eyes looking at the old man, eyes with a trace of worry.

Leng Chao returns to his senses and presses the moist corners of his eyes.

"Just now, I thought it was your father."

Leng Chao's voice is a little choked and fluent.

The cold weather and the summer solstice were discovered at the same time.

"Miss my dad?"

On a cold day, he raised his hand, held it tightly, and coaxed him in a soft voice, "when you are better, I'll take you to see my father, OK?"

"Well!" Cold eyes red.

He patted him on the back and held him in his arms.

Even with him, lengchao's mood didn't improve much. He was worried about his health in cold weather and summer solstice.

Cold weather let the south to the old man under the physical examination, no problem before rest assured.

Most of the old men are depressed because of today's experience.

"Husband, you accompany grandfather, I go to pick up the baby, grandfather to see the baby's mood may be better."

"Well, let Heisan drive you there." Give me an advice on a cold day.


Summer solstice looked, see a lot of people accompany grandfather, just at ease in the past to meet Leng Yicheng.

Shen Lianqing and his wife came and sighed when they saw the old man's forced smile.

Shen Lianqing persuades the old man for a while and signals to go out to talk in cold weather.

"Xiaotian, your grandfather may be thinking of your father, sad, in a bad mood, let him slow down, don't worry too much!"

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