A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 2687

"Tomorrow weekend, do you have time?"

After driving out of the Golden Coast for a while, Xiaoyue suddenly asked about the summer solstice.

Summer solstice surprised, "what's the matter?"

Xiaoyue laughed and said to her, "I have an appointment with Ziqi. I'll go out tomorrow and you'll join me. We haven't gone out together for a long time."

Xiaoyue hinted to her that several of their best friends hadn't gone out together for a long time.

"Does your husband let go?" Xiaoyue approached her and asked in a low voice.

Summer solstice funny, not angry glanced at her, "he did not limit me."

Xiaoyue thief laughed and didn't believe her at all.

The summer solstice awkwardly looked away and looked at the man in front. It seemed that he didn't pay attention to the back in cold weather.

"If I want to go out, I may be late." Summer solstice thought, said.

When she got up in the morning, she still had a lot of things, mainly miscellaneous things.

"It's OK. We can't get up very early. We'll go shopping when we're ready."


That's what they said, but they made an appointment.

"Or do we go to the hospital to see you?"

Summer solstice smile, "no, your body is not the same now, don't always run to the hospital, tomorrow decide where to go, I will go directly."

"That's fine." Xiaoyue nods her head with a smile. When she gets home, she says goodbye to summer solstice and cold weather, and then gets off to go back.

On a cold day, he got out of the co pilot's seat and turned to the back.

Summer solstice funny looking at him, ridicule way, "don't need so trouble, soon to the hospital."

Cold eyes dark looking at her, with a bit proud, "I'm happy."

Summer solstice corner of the mouth twitches, said nothing more.

She looked up at him. He closed his eyes slightly, leaned on the seat and put one hand on his forehead.

"Do you have a headache?"

He also had a lot of wine with us in the evening.


On a cold day, he opened his eyes slightly and glanced at her.

"No headache, what do you rub?"

Xia Zhi looked at him suspiciously and scolded, "have you drunk too much?"

"Just a little sleepy!" A sigh in the cold.

Summer solstice looked at him, to determine the authenticity of his words, soft voice, "then you sleep for a while."

"Well." How to deal with the cold weather.

Summer solstice did not disturb him, took the car blanket on his legs, let him squint for a while.

When he got to the hospital, the man who closed his eyes and had a rest opened his eyes slightly. He got out of the car and helped her down.

Summer solstice looked at the sleepy man, a little funny, like not awake, low astringent eyes standing there.

"Are you awake?"

The first time I saw him so sleepy, I must have drunk.

"Well." Cold day lazy answer way.

He took her by the hand, turned and walked into the hospital.

After the doctors and nurses have to say hello to them, cold day eyes do not squint, pull her straight to the elevator.

No one dares to look directly at the cold weather, and no one can observe that someone is now sleepy.

When I got upstairs, I went to see the old man on a cold day, and then I went back to the next room. After taking a bath, I directly lay in bed and went to sleep.

Summer solstice is too late to tell him to take a bath later.

Looking at the man sleeping in seconds, she twisted her eyebrows a little worried.

She went over, bent over and touched his forehead, then came close to his face and felt his temperature.

She didn't feel anything unusual, so she was a little relieved.

As she was about to straighten up, a force came from her waist and pulled her back.

Caught off guard, she fell directly on him.

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