A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 2704

"Dad, how do you feel now? Is it better? My teammate knows a good doctor who specializes in seeing you."

Leng Jiaxin looks at her father anxiously.

Cold old man hey hey of smile, should arrive, "much better, before I speak still stutter, now agile more, is leg ah still can't walk."

The old man should smile and see the daughter grinning happily.

Summer solstice in the side to prepare tea, while listening to their father and daughter talk, feel the atmosphere of harmony, happy mood.

"Tea, auntie."

She served tea to Leng Jiaxin with both hands. Leng Jiaxin raised her eyes and looked at her with a smile.

"It's so hard."

"No The summer solstice shakes his head in a hurry. He is still a little nervous about Leng Jiaxin.

I'm afraid they didn't behave well enough to my aunt the day before.

The old man waved for the summer solstice to come closer and happily introduced them.

"Xin'er, this is Xiaozhi, Xiaotian's daughter-in-law and sincere Mommy. I found it. It's amazing!"

"Xiaozhi, this is Xiaotian's aunt, xiaochengcheng's second aunt. She has not been back for a year and a half since she visited the world."

Xia Zhi and Leng Jiaxin look at each other and smile.

"My aunt was at the door just now. I didn't recognize her. I made a joke."

Leng Jiaxin listens to her self damaging words and says with a smile, "just now she called Xiaotian to confirm my identity. Fortunately Xiaotian answered, otherwise I would have to be blocked outside the door."

"No, Xiaotian did it for my sake."

Cold old son laughs a way, signal summer solstice also sit down.

"Dad, did anyone come to you before?" Wring her eyebrows, she thought of the other sisters.

"Just Anning, Xiaotian keeps her out and doesn't let her disturb me." The old man was not in a high mood when he mentioned the daughters.

Leng Jiaxin suddenly smiles and digs off the topic, "Dad, how did you find Xiaozhi?"

The old man was so excited that he said, "well, coincidentally, my grandfather and I are teammates..."

When the old man talks about this, he has a lot to say.

Summer solstice funny listen, also don't interrupt them, in one side greeting.

Father and daughter have been talking a lot since they have been separated for a long time.

From her parents' short chat to Leng Jiaxin's travel diary, the summer solstice also listened with relish, only to know that this aunt is also an explorer.

I used to explore all over the world. I didn't have time to stay at home.

Still single.

"Xin'er, you haven't met a good man outside yet?"

The cold old man frowned and cared about his daughter's life.

Leng Jiaxin yawned and said, "Dad, I think you're a little tired. I've just come back. I'll go back to have a rest first. We'll talk after we've all had a rest."

Then she got up and wanted to go.

Cold old son sighed a voice, funny looking at this daughter, "Dad don't say you, ask this question you give me yawn."

Summer solstice funny looking at this aunt, feel quite free and easy.

"I won't tell you. You always have a rest. I'll go back and see me off."

Leng Jiaxin pulls the summer solstice straight out.

Cold old man can't laugh or cry.

The summer solstice keeps up with Leng Jiaxin and leaves the old man's ward.

"Aunt, do you want to go back to the old house or go to the gold coast? There may be no one cooking in the old house."

After the old man was hospitalized, uncle Jia took care of him here, and the meals were all cooked by the golden coast.

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