A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 285

"What? Then, you don't know their temperament."

Summer solstice spread out the palm, looked, cold weather that guy took her hand to hit people, up to now still have a little pain, the strength is really heavy.

Sun Tzu qiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqi

"Yes..." The summer solstice draws its end.

"That's right, that kind of scum man, there's nothing to miss!"

Sun Ziqi patted her on the shoulder, almost did not take out the summer solstice dinner, she gave a wry smile, reminded the friend who did not know the importance, "you light up!"

"Oh Sun Ziqi took back his hand and touched his nose.

The moment is curious again, the eye bottom is full of eight trigrams, "Ai, your husband, what reaction does he have? Did you teach those bitches a lesson for you? "

The summer solstice light answer way: "he took my hand to hit Zhu Bi Er, calculate?"

Sun Tzu Qi laughs. She looks at her sister's depression and laughs even more.

The summer solstice didn't stare at her angrily, "what are you laughing at?"

"Your husband is really talented. He doesn't have to hurt himself to beat others with your hand."

The summer solstice is smoking.

"I should fight back, Zhu bi'er. I want to fight every time I see her. I'm not tired when I pretend to be there all day. I'm tired when I look at her. Now that he's helping you with your lessons, why are you still fighting? "

Sun Ziqi is particularly curious about this.

Summer solstice asked her in the end of the temperament no way, curled his lips, light said: "may be because of Rothschild it!"

"Your husband must be jealous!" Sun Ziqi said in a determined tone, and Xiazhi interrupted her directly, "if you think too much, he is a male chauvinist."


Sun Tzu Qi laughs. She stares at her and quickly sneaks out to tease baozi.

"Xiao Chengcheng, Auntie hugs. How about going home with Auntie tonight? There are many interesting things in Auntie's home!"

Summer solstice heard her abduction words, forehead sliding a few black lines.

Cold days back home, quiet, not the same as usual.

As soon as he came back, he was very busy. Suddenly he quieted down. He was a little uncomfortable.

"What about Leng Yicheng?"

Eyes searched again, did not see the baby son, his handsome face sank, also did not see the figure of the woman.

Afternoon does not go to the company, also is not at home, bold!?

"Young master, young master has gone to the young lady's side!"

The housekeeper Leng Deyi was respectful, folded his hands in front of him and didn't look directly at the cold weather.

Cold weather picked next eyebrow, her side?

"Which way?" His voice was cold.

The old housekeeper raised his eyes to look at the handsome black man, and raised his voice to reply, "it's the house that the young lady rented before!"

In an instant, the old housekeeper felt a cold breath blowing in the past. The next second, the man disappeared.

He turned and looked at the man who went upstairs and asked, "young master, dinner is ready. Would you like to have dinner now?"

No one answered him.

When we don't see the cold weather, the housekeeper walks away with a low smile and gets angry.

It's normal for the couple to be noisy during their break in.

"Lao Yi, what are you laughing at?" Fu MA looked at him happily and asked curiously.

"Just now the young master came back, and asked the young master, his face was black!"

Fu MA gave him a strange look. "Did the young master ask the young lady?"

"I didn't ask, but I told him that's why I'm black..."

"If you have leisure, why don't you take Leng Yicheng back?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came. Leng De Yi and fu MA immediately straightened up.

"Young master!"


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