A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 2995


The little fool didn't know where he came from. He was lying on his heel, trying to keep up.

He raised his foot and kicked in the cold.

"Wu Wu!"

"Look, Mommy, how rude daddy is! Poor fool. If I hadn't fed him, he would have starved to death! "

Cold Yi Cheng nest in the summer solstice side, said smilingly.

I look at it funny, and I'm not in a hurry to drive.

When the driver's door was opened in cold weather, the Alaskan jumped up quickly, squatted on the pedal, stretched his neck and looked ahead.

On a cold day, he slammed the door and turned to the back.

Time domain took a look at the dog who didn't dare to sit on the seat, drew his mouth and asked them.

"Are you all seated?"

"Sit down, uncle, drive quickly, or we won't catch up with them!"

Leng Yicheng speaks out loud.

Time domain funny look at the little guy, looked at the summer solstice and cold days, see them nod, this is to start the car, drove out.

Uncle a, uncle B and fu MA share a car with the bodyguard.

"Big fool, fortunately my mommy let you follow, otherwise I will leave you at home, hungry!" Leng Yicheng teases the dog in front.

"Oh Wu... " Alaska called low, a little coquettish.

"Where did you just go?" Leng Yicheng stares at the dog who doesn't dare to make mistakes. He has some sympathy.

Since Mommy took daddy's car, Daddy won't let the dog take his car.

Mommy's seat is not for her.

Alaska called a few times.

Leng Yicheng also seemed to understand, and continued to talk to the dog, "are you going to tease my chicken?"

He looked at the barrier free interaction of one person and one dog and laughed.

"Xiao Chengcheng, do you understand what a fool is saying?"

"I understand, don't you? My uncle is stupid Leng Yicheng looks at him.

He drew his face.

Cold satisfied touched the son's small head.

Summer solstice chuckles and turns to look out.

"I don't know if they've all set out yet?"

"I'll send them a message!"

In the cold weather, he turned to tell her, took his mobile phone and sent a message in their group to let everyone go to their destination.

After a while, Jingdong, Ji Yixi, Li Ziheng and Fang Yi all replied.

Ji Dong also replied, saying that he had set out with his parents, but he didn't reply from the south.

"They all set out!"

"Summer solstice, we seem to nod with the coldest voice

"Old four didn't reply, it should be later than us!" It's cold.

At the moment, the south is taking a bath, warm and not awake.

Ten minutes later, while wiping his hair, he came out and took a look at his mobile phone, which was silent.

Seeing the message sent in cold weather, he replied and took the hair dryer to the guest room to dry.

When he changed his clothes, wennuan was still in his sweet dream.

South to see her sleeping incense, hesitated, or did not wake her up, let her sleep enough.

Half lying on the head of the bed, he took a medical book and read it attentively.

Xiaoyue and Ji Yixi are the first to arrive at the destination, and soon they see Jingdong and Ziqi coming.

"Old three, can play!" Ji Yixi is hooking the corner of his mouth, and his peach blossom eyes are smiling at Jingdong. He can't help laughing.

Jingdong looked at him, a face puzzled, "will play what?"

"Pretend, you almost missed the hot search!"

Ji Yixi looks at them jokingly.

"No? What happened? " Ziqi doesn't understand looking at Ji Yixi.

Xiaoyue laughs and explains to her, "you're hot on short videos. Many people send you videos of playing!"

"Ah?" Ziqi looks confused.

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