A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3110

Xia Zhi and Ji Yixi talked to the hotel and then hung up.

Take her in on a cold day.

The outside of the hotel looks cold, but inside it is warm.

"I'm hot!"

Back to the room, the summer solstice all over the body are hot, wear particularly thick.

"Go in and have a shower. I'll have food sent in!"

On a cold day, he told her to take her into the room and let her take a bath.

"Don't you wash it?" She looked at him.

"I'll take care of something first, you wash it first!"

The cold day beckoned her to go quickly, went to get her notebook, opened it, and began to work.

At the summer solstice, he didn't give up for a moment. He sighed and turned to pour him a cup of boiling water before taking a bath.

On a cold day, she quickly dealt with the urgent mail and called Fang Yi for a while before she washed it.

"Husband, do you want to take a bath now?"

She stood at the bathroom door, wiping her hair, and asked the man.

"Well, I'll be there in a minute!" Cold day nodded to her, summer solstice rushed in to give him water.

She folded out again and prepared clothes for him. When she saw that he was still busy, she sat on one side and was busy with her own affairs.

After the food came, I went to take a bath in the cold.

Summer solstice while eating, while to Ziqi, Xiaoyue reply information.

When she came out in cold weather, she saw that she was wearing thin clothes. She sat next to her and took her cell phone from her hand.

"Go and add a robe!"

"I'm not cold!" Summer solstice looked at him, saw his brow frown up, smile.

"Well, I'll add one, and you'll wear it too!"

She glanced at the man with his bare arms and got up to get the clothes.

On a cold day, she leans on the sofa with her feet folded together and looks at her cell phone to see what she's just playing.

"Get dressed and see what I'm doing with my cell phone?"

Summer solstice directly threw his clothes over his head in the cold weather.

On a cold day, he took off his clothes, glanced at her, got up, took the robe in her hand and wrapped it in her, and wrapped her hand in it.

"Hey, what are you doing? I want to eat more!"

Summer solstice can't laugh or cry.

"I feed you!"

In cold weather, I don't wear a coat. I just sit on the sofa with my arms in my arms. I bend over and take food. I feed her while I eat.

Summer solstice nest in his arms, funny remind him, "you quickly put on clothes, don't get cold!"

"Nothing!" The cold day glanced at her and said in a low voice: "in the past, when we were training, we all stood barebacked in the snow to train!"

The summer solstice was astonished.

"Aren't you cold?"

"It was cold at first, but it was hot and sweaty after training. I didn't feel cold any more!"

She was fed a piece of abalone on a cold day. "It's like swimming in winter. It's ice when it comes into contact with water, but it's getting used to it gradually."

Summer solstice just listen to him, I feel freezing.

I can't help shivering.

Cold weather to see her cold look, deliberately tease her, "or tomorrow we go to winter swimming?"

"I'm not going! Go, you go Summer solstice quickly refused.

Don't even think about it. She doesn't dare to try at all.

The cold day joyful smile opens, hugs her, "looks you frighten, I only said!"

The summer solstice hummed.

After eating, they went to bed to have a rest.

She fell asleep on a cold day, and even when her son called, she didn't wake up.

I took my cell phone and pressed it off in cold weather.

The little guy at the other end continued to make the call, and when he saw that he was hung up again, he became angry.

"It must be daddy who hung up on me!"

Leng Yicheng continues to call Xia Zhi.

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