A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3134

Leng Yicheng runs to play the piano, playing the fast note.

The two old men were ready to rest when they heard the piano and listened for a while.

In the cold weather, I pick the sword eyebrow. Is that boy deliberately making trouble?

The piano room is next to the study.

He's finished with the meeting and is dealing with the mail.

Cold Yi Cheng also intentionally under, immediately normal play.

Granddad, granddad, they still have to sleep.

After dealing with the mail in cold weather, I went to the next room, leaned against the door and looked at the little guy sitting in front of the piano.

"Why aren't you with your mommy?"

Leng Yicheng as did not hear, seems to indulge in their own piano sound.

Cold day went over, bent over, side looking at the little guy.

"Pretend to be deaf again, I'll throw you to Haicheng!"

Leng Yicheng turned to stare at him and said, "you'd better throw me and Mommy together!"

Cold day picked next brow, still really angry.

"You're so cute, daddy can't bear it!"

The corner of Leng Yi Cheng's mouth twitches and his heart murmurs.

You don't want mommy.

"Daddy was in a meeting just now. I can't help getting angry with you."

He touched the little guy's head in the cold and apologized to his son.

Leng Yicheng's mouth pouts high.

Suddenly he heard the frog outside, his eyes flickered, and he said in a loud voice, "you are cruel to me, I can't forgive you soon!"

Leaning on the piano in cold weather, he looked at the little guy with deep eyes, "what do you want daddy to do to forgive me?"

Leng Yicheng glanced at him, "I don't want to talk to you now!"

The cold day chuckled and got up to walk out.

Leng Yicheng looks over and frowns.

He played for a while and then stopped.

I can't help running out and looking for cold weather.

Seeing cold weather coming out of the kitchen with two glasses of milk, he turned his head and ran upstairs.

"Mommy, Mommy!"

Leng Yicheng runs to the laundry room, and the summer solstice is waiting for the clothes to be washed.

As soon as she turned around, she was hugged by her son.

She petted her son's head, "why don't you play?"

"Daddy's going to disturb me. I don't want to play anymore."

Leng Yicheng blinks his eyes and is afraid of the cold weather.

Run first, hold the summer solstice thigh.

The summer solstice saw the man coming in and said with a smile, "are you finished?"


Cold day swept an eye to stare at own small fellow, pass milk past, "come to drink!"

Leng Yicheng pouted, "you don't put anything in it, do you?"

Hearing his son's conspiracy, Xia Zhi couldn't laugh or cry.

"That's one for Mommy, another for you!"

"Mommy, you'd better have another drink. I'll take this one!" Leng Yicheng takes a look at the cold weather and drinks it.

On a cold day, he handed her another cup, and the summer solstice took it. "You go to take a bath, and I'll wash the clothes!"

"Why don't I take it off and wash it for you now?"

The summer solstice is silent.

"Aren't you cold? You go to take a bath, I'll go back to wash later! "

She drank the milk and her son's clothes were washed.

The son's clothes are separate from their adult's.

She put down the cup, took the laundry basket and took out the laundry.

"I'll dry it for you. Go back and have a rest."

On a cold day, I went to the balcony and began to air the clothes.

Summer solstice smile at a tall man, do not need remote control clothes rack down, can easily reach.

"Leng Yicheng, come and help!"

The cold sky doesn't return to call the little guy over.

Leng Yicheng looks at the man on the other side of the balcony, and the summer solstice touches his son's head. He coaxes him in a soft voice.

"Go ahead, your father called you!"

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