A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3163

Ji Yixi keeps jumping. From a distance, the visual effect is still very funny.

Several elders looked at it with a happy face.

The wedding dress took several hours to complete.

It's not easy to change a few scenes.

"Tired or not?"

Ji Yixi hugs Xiaoyue and lets her sit on the wooden chair.

Pinch her shoulders, pinch her legs.

"I'm ok, you can have a rest too!"

She took a paper towel to wipe the sweat on his forehead, the sun is a little strong today.

They took a break for a while. It was almost lunch time. The second set of clothes had to be photographed in the afternoon.

"I'm ok. I'm so tired that you are a baby. Don't you see the elders staring at me?"

Ji Yixi turns his head and looks around. Xiaoyue looks to the other side. Everyone is watching them.

She laughed, took boiling water to drink, drank a few mouthfuls, and handed it to him.

"Drink it?"

"Hee hee, thank you for your reward!"

Ji Yixi came over and drank happily. She didn't mind her drinking at all.

"Glib!" Xiaoyue glanced at him, took off her shoes and moved her feet.

"Sour feet?"

"A little bit!" Xiaoyue is relaxing and leaning on the chair.

"Why don't we just go home and shoot tomorrow?"

Jiyixi see her feet are red, reluctant to let her suffer.

"The itinerary has been arranged, and today's weather is so good. Let's finish shooting today's photos. I'm not a tofu, not so fragile!"

Xiaoyue didn't ask him to cancel his trip.

Jesse took a look at her feet.

Notice that the staff look over, Xiaoyue blushes and shrinks her feet.

"When you have dinner, soak for a while!"

Jiyixi rubbed her feet.

"Don't rub it, others are watching!"

She bent over her shoes and looked up at him. "I'm hungry. Let's go to dinner first."


Jesse shaved her nose and pulled her up.

"Grandpa, grandma, mom, let's have dinner first, and we'll shoot the rest of the afternoon."

"It's noon too. Let's have dinner first. Xiaoyue is a pregnant woman, and she can't be too tired."

The fifth old lady loves her granddaughter. When a woman is pregnant, it's not the same as usual.

"Then go to dinner first!" Feng Lihua asked everyone to go to the nearby hotel for dinner and let Xiaoyue take a lunch break.

While waiting for the dishes, Xiaoyue receives a call from the summer solstice.

"Xiaoyueyue, what's the feeling of taking wedding dress today? What's the progress? Do you have any photos? Send them to make me greedy! "

Hearing the sweet voice of the summer solstice, Xiaoyue feels relaxed.

"I was a little nervous at the beginning, and I gradually got used to it. I felt tired at the back!

We just took a set of clothes. My mother and Ji Ma took a lot of photos. I'll send them to you later. "

Xiaoyue looked at everyone.

"They're all over?" Summer solstice surprise.

"They're all here. Grandma and grandfather are here to watch us take pictures. You can come here when you are free. "

"I can't make it today. I'm at work. I can make it tomorrow, hehe!"

Tomorrow is the weekend.

The summer solstice takes a look at the man who is examining and approving the document and whispers.

"Send photos to have a look!"

"I'll send it to you now!"

Xiaoyue should be, hang up the phone, pick a few good to send her in the past.

Summer solstice received their wedding photos, eyes a bright.

It's all very nice.

She looked over one by one and back.

Looking at it, I had the idea of getting married.

She changed hands to send Ziqi in the past to stimulate Ziqi.

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