A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 326

Zhou Jiani and Jiang Ming are still tugging at each other.

"Dead man!"


"Stop it all. You don't want to stay here, do you?" How can Liu Zhiqing make trouble for these people?

His eyes ruthlessly swept again, see the summer solstice, Mou Guang shrink, this woman does not come still very calm, one do not know how much trouble.

See still fighting two people, who are not spared who, he heavily photographed the desk.

At this time, the two talents separated, Zhou Jiani also took the opportunity to kick Jiang Ming, "cheap dog!"

Jiang Ming's face was black and blue, and he also scolded, "female watch!"

"Shut up

Liu Zhiqi's whole body trembles, a little finger, "you, you, you, and you, all come in for me, others go back to work for me!"

The summer solstice is stunned. How can she be called? What's the matter with her.

Fight is not her share, persuasion is also punishable!?

Zhou Jiani was so proud that she was the first to walk in with her hips twisted.

Liu Zhi looked at her, hiding a touch of deep meaning.

"Mr. Liu, I was scolded and beaten by them today. If you punish me unfairly, I won't give up."

Zhou Jiani, with her back to everyone, gives Liu Zhi a wink.

Liu Zhi's eyes flashed and roared, "be quiet!"

Xia Zhi goes in behind them, and Liu Zhi scolds them impolitely.

"If it's not a fight, I'll leave it to you. I don't want to leave it to you. I don't want to leave it to you I want you to be safe. "

"If you don't want to do it, don't drag me down. If you want to fight or scold, get out of the company and make trouble for me every day. You will deduct all the bonus this month and record a big demerit! If there is a next time, directly fired


I don't know if she is so thoughtful. How does she feel that Liu Zhi's words are warning her?

Summer solstice hanging head, her wages have been deducted in cold weather, there are deduction?

She rubs the waist that is hit ache, face smoked to smoke, also don't know is bruise, still so ache.

"Summer solstice stay, others go out, give me a good reflection. Don't refuse. If you have the ability, don't make trouble for me. Go out! " Liu Zhiqi roared them away, took a drink from his glass and took a breath.

Tone is not very good, said to the summer solstice: "you come back today, good work, don't mix anything!"

Summer solstice looked at him, or it is necessary to explain for themselves, "they fight with me has nothing to do!"

It was the two men who quarreled by themselves. The more they quarreled, the fiercer they were. They started fighting.

If it had anything to do with her, at most Jiang Ming said a word for her, which caused the war.

She was also implicated!?

She also went to fight, but was pushed by the woman.

Is there such a punishment?

She looked at Liu Zhi calmly.

Liu Zhi saw that she didn't agree with her and said, "are you sure it has nothing to do with you? When you're away, it's quiet here. As soon as you come back to work, it's like this! "

Summer solstice was angry laugh, have an opinion to her also need not be like this?

"Mr. Liu, I think you are a very sensible person. You should not commit such a mentally retarded mistake involving innocent people?"

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