A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3309

After dinner, Jingdong sends Ziqi and Fangyi to the company.

On the way, Jingdong grabs her hand, "how long are you going to be busy?"

"If it's fast, it's an hour. If it's busy, it's not sure!" Ziqi looks at his determined face with palpitation.

Jingdong side Mou looked at her, "can you get off work on time?"

"Yes She can guarantee it.

Fang Yi sat in the back, looking at their sweet appearance and sighed.

Everyone has company. Where is his spring?

"Sigh what?" Jing Dong didn't look back and asked.

Fang Yi smiles, "seeing you scatter dog food, I'm sighing. I don't know when my spring will come."

Jingdong, "..."

Ziqi, "..."

"Maybe I've been waiting for you downstairs!"

Ziqi joked with a smile that she had not seen Miss Sheng for several days.

Fang Yi pursed her lips and glared at Ziqi, "can you not mention her?"

Today's little girl, he really does not understand, trying to get things on himself, thinking that she is very fashionable and not a primitive tribe.

Ziqi looked back at him and said with a smile, "seriously, I think you're very good with her. They're very smart."

Fang Yi is speechless, "have you seen it?"

"Yes! What a lovely little girl

Fang Yi doesn't believe it. He thinks Ziqi is fooling him.

"Anyway, what I see doesn't meet my aesthetic standards."

Ziqi's mouth twitches.

"If you don't seize the opportunity, you will be chased away by others."

"Whatever!" Fang Yi turned his mouth, as if he hadn't seen anyone for several days, and didn't know what to do. Maybe he was disappointed?

A little loss suddenly appeared in my heart.

Fang Yimei frowned, thinking of that gaudy face, he shivered all over.

Jingdong shakes his head with Ziqi and says with a smile, "he's been with the boss for a long time, and everything is consistent. When the eldest brother is not with his sister-in-law, is he still like this? "

"Ah, jingshao, can you stop talking about us in front of me? Do you want me to defend his face, or do you agree with you? "

Fang Yi snorted.

Jingdong smiles and glances in the rearview mirror.

"Is that bad news? I'm talking about the truth. "

"Aren't you afraid I'll tell the boss?" Fang Yi picked the next eyebrow.

"If you're afraid, you won't say it." Jingdong took down the steering wheel and opened the door of Fenglei group building.

"You said it As soon as Fang Yi finished speaking, the cold call came in. He waved his mobile phone with a smile.

"The boss is calling."

When Fang answers the phone, he gets out of the car and looks for him in cold weather. It's about work.

After a few words of advice, Fang Yi hung up in cold weather before he could make a joke.

Jingdong opens the door and lets Ziqi get off. He looks at the surprised Fang Yi with a smile and says, "why didn't you tell the boss?"

"I also want to. He hung up. It's not too late to see him. Thank you for sending us here. Bye! Slow down

Fang said hello and turned to work.

"Go up!"

Jingdong raised his chin.

Ziqi took his carry on bag and nodded, "drive slowly!"


Jingdong sees her go in, then turns around and goes to the water bar nearby to buy some coffee and snacks, and then walks into Fenglei group.

Ziqi just entered the working state, suddenly saw someone put down the food, looked up.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Jingdong chuckled and picked the sword eyebrow, joking, "don't want to see me?"

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