A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3364

After breakfast, Ziqi and liziheng set out for a meeting.

The venue of the meeting is set at the stadium.

Jingdong looked at the car far away, then turned back to the house and cleaned up the dishes.

He changed his clothes and went to the vice team to find out.

"Mr. an, are you looking for me?"

Jingdong arrived at the office of the president of an Shi, with his hands behind his back and a tall and straight body.

No words and no smiles.

Anya looks at Jingdong with a touch of unknown color.

"The scenery team is really like the rumor..."

Her eyes were very unrestrained. She got up, went to him and put her hand on Jingdong's shoulder.

Jingdong a little side, to avoid her touch.

"Mr. an, I have something to tell you!" Jingdong has the same complexion, with indifference at the bottom of his eyes.

Anya raised a smile, eyes deep, straight staring at him.

This man is quite handsome, and she likes tall men.

That body is rigid, let her palpitate even more.

"Obey everything?"

Jingdong's eyes passed a little streamer, his face was still, and he said in a deep voice: "just tell me!"

Anya red lips hook hook, suddenly close to the past, almost stick to Jingdong face.

Exhale like orchid, "accompany me at night!"

"Address!" Jingdong asked in a light voice.

Anya's obscene eyes fell on his firm face, itchy heart, deliberately said gently and softly to his ear.

"Imperial club!"

Jingdong stood aside, nodded and said, "OK!"

It's the one who protects. It doesn't matter where you go.

Anya was stunned. She didn't expect that he would respond so quickly. She was very satisfied.

"Cheery! I like such a man

Jingdong looked ahead and said in a cold voice, "I have a girlfriend!"

Anya burst out laughing, as if to hear what a funny joke.

Jingdong's eyes slanted in the past, but his face was heavy and he didn't speak.

"Team king, I think you misunderstood. I didn't mean that." Anya's face suddenly became serious, as if she didn't mean anything to him.

"I'm just asking you to protect me when I go to the club tonight. Have you misunderstood something?"

Jingdong's jaw was tight and silent.

"Ann always means nothing else. If nothing else, I won't disturb your work."

He said in a frightful voice, nodded to Anya, and immediately turned to go out.

Anya did not stop, staring at Jingdong's back, eyes with fun.



Anyone with a wife can pry a wall.

When Jingdong joins up with everyone, the deputy team comes forward and asks, "what does she want you to do? I always feel that this woman is unkind and looks at us as if she has never seen a man! "

With that, the vice team was embarrassed and blushed.

Other brothers feel the same way. That woman looks like a hooligan!

Jingdong glanced at them, "what did she do to you?"

"No! That is... "

"What?" Jingdong glanced at the vice team.

The deputy team was very depressed, and whispered: "she touched the fart. Share

The other brothers want to laugh, but they don't like this woman very much. They don't have the mood of joking.

Jingdong looked at them, did not like Anya, "before you did not understand each other's information?"

"I see. Who knows that she is really like a hooligan!"

Jingdong pinched his eyebrows and had to teach them a few words.

"I see. Don't you mind? Do you think people who collect information are vegetarians

The vice team and other brothers bowed their heads and did not dare to speak.

This time they took it lightly.

"Scene team, that woman didn't do anything to you, did she?"

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