A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3486

The summer solstice vomits the next tongue, turns head, lies prone on the pillow.

Lazily, "I want to sleep in!"

She felt like she hadn't slept in for a long time.

Cold weather

He glanced at the little woman and snorted, "do you want to sleep in when you go to work? Why are you so diligent when you go to the store every day? "

Summer solstice hey smile squint, "that fresh ah!"

In the cold weather, he raised his eyebrows and was speechless.

The next day, the whole company of Fenglei group had a holiday.

Everyone came to Fang Yi one after another to ask what was the situation and why he suddenly had a holiday on his working day, which was not the time for holidays.

Fang Yi also said that he was confused, but his boss couldn't get through.

At the moment, the cold day is holding the summer solstice in sleep, no matter who.

When she woke up at the summer solstice, it was already more than ten o'clock. She patted her forehead and felt sleepy.

She took the cell phone, and when she saw the time, she was stunned.

The next second, hastily pushing the man who is still sleeping, "husband, get up quickly, oversleep."

On a cold day, I squint my eyes, stretch out my hand to pull her to sleep, hold her with my long arm, buckle her in my arms and continue to sleep.

Summer solstice

"Hello! I'm late. It's over ten. Are you still sleeping? "

"It's a holiday today!"

Murmur a cold day, long legs around her to prevent her from getting out of bed.

Summer solstice thought, did not remember what day today is.

"It's not a holiday. What kind of holiday do you have? Don't you get confused?"

Summer solstice surprised, remind him.

"I don't know if I have a vacation?" In cold weather, he hummed and rubbed her neck. He disliked her for talking too much.

"What do you do on vacation?" Summer solstice does not understand.

"Stop making noise and go to sleep!"

It's cold and the bed is warm.

Summer solstice Leng for a long time, just reaction, why does he want a holiday.

The bottom of my heart is sweet.

"Mr. Leng, are you too indulgent?"

"Twitter, shall we do some exercise?"

Cold day a turn over to press her under the body, Feng Mou evil four.

The summer solstice turned red.

Push him away, "you go away, I have to get up!"

"For what?" On a cold day, Feng's eyes narrowed and her aura was fully open, which made people dare not resist.

"I..." Summer solstice blinked, looking at the unhappy man, dare not speak.


In the cold, he rolled over to one side and held her.

Summer solstice

Today, they're in bed?

It's too embarrassing for the elders not to see them get up, isn't it?

I don't know who sent the baby to school this morning.

She worried about a lot of things, but now she overslept and couldn't catch up with her. Then she went to sleep.

The two of them went straight to noon.

Lengchao worried about them and let fu MA come up and shout.

"Young master, young lady, are you awake?"

"What's the matter?" Cold day shallow sleep, easy to wake up, heard Fu Ma's voice, should be a voice.

"The master told you to go down for lunch!"

"You let them eat first, don't wait for us!" Give me an advice on a cold day.

Fu MA at the door listened, with an ambiguous smile on her face, answered, and then turned to reply downstairs.

The clock couple and Leng Jiaxin went to the dessert house in the morning, and Shen Lianqing and lengchao were left at home.

The three elders looked at each other with a smile and saw a deep meaning in each other's eyes.

The summer solstice is awakened by the cold weather, so I hurry to wash and go downstairs for dinner.

They went downstairs one after another and were embarrassed by the ambiguous eyes of their elders.

"Good morning, Grandpa and grandma Good afternoon

She blushed in embarrassment.

I'm sorry.

The first time I went to bed so late.

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