A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3716

Cold days know that the other side of the people misunderstood, but did not explain, quietly ordered work.

A lot of work pressure hit, the other end of the people howling.

Thinking about whether he has just offended the boss, he immediately begged for mercy.

It's no use asking for mercy. I hung up in the cold.

"You were misunderstood just now. What do you say?"

He leaned over and said in her ear.

Warm breath into the eardrum, summer solstice heart beat up.

"What did I say?"

She looked at the man with a funny face.

She recalled, she said a word with her son, a little thought, instantly understand what cold day means.

She is not angry to stare at him one eye, cold day innocently picked next eyebrow, "I didn't say what!"

She pinched his thigh.

She's really excited about the cold weather.

Nanbian glanced in the rear-view mirror, kneaded his thigh in pain on a cold day, and looked away in a funny way.

"You deserve it!"

From one side of the summer solstice, Leng Yicheng looks at him with a smile.

On a cold day, the Phoenix's eyes slant, and the little guy rushes back to hide beside mummy.

On a cold day, his long arm reached over and pinched his son's ear.

"Ah, pain..."

Leng Yicheng screams.

The summer solstice was startled to see that he pinched his son's ear and quickly patted his big hand open. He saw that his son's ears were all red.

Heartache unceasingly rubs, turns the head fierce he one eye.

"How can you do that? Look, it's all red!"

"Mommy, it hurts!" Leng Yicheng shriveled his little mouth and was aggrieved. It was really painful. Two bubbles of tears came out of his eyes.

She was not angry and glared at the man, hugged her son and coaxed him with heartache.

"Mummy, blow it for you!"

"You can pinch me, I can't pinch him yet?"

On a cold day, she snorted coldly.

The corner of Su Xia's mouth twitches. She pinches him. He pinches his son. He has the ability to pinch her.

Leng Yicheng: "Daddy, villain, I don't like you anymore!"

I need you to like it

Leng Yicheng stares at him angrily.

Leng Tianmu light glances at the little guy lazily. His voice is light but dignified.

"Stare at me again, and I'll pinch again!"

Leng Yicheng sucked his nose, turned his head and got into the arms of the summer solstice.

Tell mommy, "Mommy, daddy is so fierce!"

"Well, don't pay attention to him," summer solstice couldn't help looking at the man again, and continued to gently rub his son's ears.

"I'll tell my grandfather later! Let him curse Daddy

Leng Yicheng gambles on airway.

Summer solstice smile, baby touched his son's small head, "Mommy, hit him!"


A slap falls on a man's lap.

The cold day narrowed the MI Feng Mou, the Mou bottom warning is strong.

It's getting more and more lawless.

He slapped him in the ass.

Leng Yicheng

"Woo, Mommy, he hit me!"

The summer solstice kicks the man and takes his son to the door of the car. In the middle, he takes a distance from the cold weather.

"There's something wrong with you. What do you want to do with him?"

She's holding her son and rubbing his ass.

Leng Yicheng blushes and rubs her hands.

It doesn't hurt very much. It's just that Daddy hit his ass.


He must make daddy look good.

"If you hit me, I'll hit him!" Cold day a face arrogant stare at her.

Su Xia rolled her eyes, stingy.

"Curse me at the bottom of my heart?" The deep Phoenix's eyes in the cold sky are close and narrow, with sharp light.

You can see through her mind at a glance.

"I'll scold you. Why can't I?"

She couldn't help shouting and went back.

Cold days glare at her angry face, milk fierce milk fierce, suddenly smile.

"Scold, scold out."

Su Xia


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