A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 375

"Mommy, I want to eat hot pot!"

Leng Yicheng wanted to eat it long ago, but his father didn't give it to him.

When he heard that it was delicious, his mouth watered when he thought about it.

Seeing the little guy looking forward to swallowing saliva, the summer solstice laughingly asked: "have you never eaten hotpot?"

"Mm-hmm?" Leng Yicheng shakes his head.

Xia Zhi touched his head and asked fu MA, "fu MA, is it OK to eat hot pot?"

"Young lady, you can make the decision. I have no problem. I have eaten something at home too!"

Fu Ma said with a smile that the young lady had no temperament at all and was very friendly.

"Then we'll eat hot pot!"

Summer solstice see fu MA no problem, pinch cold Yicheng small face, she also miss the taste of hot pot.

"Yes! Great, Mommy, that's very kind of you

Leng Yicheng is so silly that she shows her baby teeth, and she is so cute.

Xia Zhi and fu MA look at each other and smile.

They went directly to the famous hot pot city nearby. The Summer Solstice held Leng Yicheng, fu MA held the packaged food, and several black cards followed behind.

A group of people are particularly eye-catching.

Seeing the cute little guy in the arms of the summer solstice, everyone's eyes were wide open.

Leng Yicheng turns around and looks at him, but he doesn't have any deterrent power. Instead, he is regarded as shy and likes to stare at him.

"Mommy, those people's eyes are so scary!"

He buried himself in the summer solstice on the shoulder blade, do not like to be so staring at.

The summer solstice patted him on the back, "don't be afraid, they like you!"

"What is it?" Leng Yicheng's eyes brightened. He raised his head and looked at it again, as if it was the same as what Mommy said.

He giggled and immediately attracted everyone's eyes.

"What a lovely bun!"

"Look, that child is so cute!"

"Oh, my God, is this child too bad? So beautiful

"Other people's moms are so beautiful. Of course, the children are beautiful!"


Around came a lively voice of discussion, the summer solstice saw that everyone was very friendly, and you Rongyan nodded with a smile, holding the little guy to continue to go inside, looking for a place.

"Can't it be a rich man, followed by nannies and bodyguards?"

"It looks like it, but do rich people come here to eat hot pot?"

"Rich people are also people. They have to eat too!"


Summer solstice, these silly words, before she would think so.

Even now, if she came here to eat in cold weather, she would be very surprised.

It turns out that the president is not an immortal who doesn't eat fireworks.

"Mommy, is it strange that we are here to eat?" Hearing the comments around, Leng Yicheng frowned in bewilderment. The little figure of thinking was very cute, which immediately made the heart of the summer solstice sprout.

"No wonder, don't listen to other people's nonsense!" Summer solstice touched his head.

Fu Ma's sharp eyes saw that there was a place by the window. She pulled down the summer solstice and said, "little lady, there is a place over there!"

"OK, let's sit over there!"

Summer solstice eyes a bright, with them straight to the past.

A few black cards followed, especially eye-catching.

More people turned to her, and she called a few black cards.

"Sit down, too. Don't stand. We'll eat together later."

"Young lady, we don't eat!" Black card declined, no good intention to eat with her, if this is known by the husband, also got.

"It doesn't matter!" Summer solstice holding the little guy moved inside, let fu MA sit in some, "we eat hot pot to enjoy, sit down quickly!"

"My mommy told you to sit down Leng Yicheng stares at them.

"Yes! Young master Black card several quickly sit down, polite with the summer solstice thanks.

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