A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3746

Like a giant baby, she was carried around by him.

She doesn't have to brush her teeth. Someone's service is very comprehensive.

She looked at the man with the towel. "OK, you can go out!"

Cold days looking back at her, a little puzzled.

"Get out!" She waved the man out.

"I'll take the tuba!"

Cold weather

"You go up, I didn't stop you!"

Summer solstice mouth hard twitch, no problem.

She gave him a white look. "Get out of here!"

He raised his eyebrows and turned out to close the door.

She smiles.

"All right, call me!"

The man's voice came at the door. She looked at the figure at the door and said, "what are you doing?"

"I'll take you out!"

"No! Go and help yourself

Cold days did not go away, said to her: "when you clean up, we go back to Gold Coast!"

"Go now?"

"Or do you want to stay here one more night?"

She hasn't been back here for a long time. She wants to turn around.

"Go back after lunch!"

"That's fine!"

Walk away in the cold, take out the computer from the study, sit on the balcony of the bedroom, and start to work.

Summer solstice out, see him on the phone, she changed clothes, just began to clean up the room.

Then go downstairs.

Fu MA was cooking at home. Seeing her up, she said to her, "young lady, it's still hot in the pot. Do you want to eat more?"

"No, I'm full. I'll have to eat later."

"I made ginseng and antler chicken soup, and you'll drink more later!"

"Well!" The summer solstice smiles at Shangfu's mother. Sorry, she looks at the kitchen and walks away. She turns around downstairs.

Seeing the beautiful scenery outside, she went out and took some pictures.

Just turn to the bedroom balcony below, see cold days back to lean on the railing to make a phone call.


She whispered.

Cold days turned to see her below, smile.

After a few words with the other end, he hung up, "what are you doing?"

"Look at the scenery!" Summer solstice smiles and squints.

Notice that she's wearing a little thin, frowning on a cold day, straight into the room.

Summer solstice looked up at the upstairs, do not know why he turned to look elsewhere.

Suddenly a dress covered her head, and she was startled.

Then, before the clothes were pulled down, there was a sound behind.

She tore off her clothes in a hurry and saw someone get up from the ground and come towards her.

She looked surprised.


Cold thin lips gently, slender fingers pinch her face.

Summer solstice swallowed saliva, pointed to the balcony, a little stuttered, "you, you jump from above!"

"Well, hum!" In cold weather, with a touch of evil spirit in his eyes, he took the coat in her hand and put it on for her.

"Take care of the stairs. If you don't go, why do you jump down? Be careful if you fall!"

She pouted, worried.

In the cold, he chuckled and buttoned her up. "It's OK to jump down three floors!"

Summer solstice looked, patted the chest, "nothing, don't jump!"

It's not about running for life.

"Well!" He hugged her with a smile on a cold day and strolled in the garden of the old house.

"I'm good at it. It's OK to jump off the second floor. Leng Yicheng can do it too!"

"What?" The summer solstice is in shock.

"Did the baby jump down from the second floor?"

"Well!" Nodding in the cold, "this is the physical training he must learn."

The summer solstice looked at him and said with a smile, "you dare to train him like this. If I dare not, I'm afraid he will get hurt!"

"Boys will grow up if they are hurt a little bit!"

"Well!" She hugged him by the waist.

It's hard for them to enjoy the sweet time, and it's good to date in their own garden.

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