A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3758

"Go and get the eggs. Daddy's hot for you!"

Cold knead the next son's small head, eyes or staring at the computer screen.

Leng Yicheng quickly tells Ji Yixi that he will give lengtian the phone and run to get the eggs.

"Pour out the boiling water first!"

He called in the cold and hung up.

Ji Yixi felt his ears buzzing when he heard the sound. He was just about to nag, and the phone hung up.

Ji Yixi

Leng Yicheng poured the water over the teahouse and into the bucket, then came over with the kettle.

"Bring me a towel."

See son so take over, cold day reminds a.

Leng Yicheng went back to get the towel and then ran back.

In the cold weather, he poured the egg on the towel and wrapped it in a layer. Then he took his son's hand and scalded it gently.

"Does it hurt?"

"No pain!" Leng Yicheng grins.

Cold day Mou Guang Shan Shan, the strength on the hand increased some, immediately cold Yi Cheng pain of hiss tooth grin.

"Ah, pain, pain..."

Summer solstice just packed, heard his son's scream, ran in quickly.

"What's the matter?"

"Mommy, daddy burns my hand so hard!" Leng Yicheng, with tears in her eyes, looks at her complaining and is pathetic.

Summer solstice looked at their father and son, relieved.

"Take it easy, baby is not as thick as your skin!"

She said something to the man,

glanced at her in the cold, took her son's hand, and continued to roll for him, "don't use a little force, knead the congestion, it's not good!"

The summer solstice looks at the son wrinkly small face, all feel very painful.

"I'll do it!"

Leng Yicheng nodded frequently.

Cold day swept an eye small fellow, "your mommy is also so to roll!"

"No way!" Leng Yicheng sucks his nose pitifully. His long eyelashes are stained with tears, which makes people feel distressed.

She went over and hugged her son

"Don't push too hard, it's really painful!" She also reminded someone that she was forced to wipe the medicine when she bumped into the bruise. What a taste.

It's still fresh in my memory.

Cold day eyes smile looked at their mother and son, "this is called short-term pain."

Leng Yicheng's mouth pouts. He wants to withdraw his hand several times, but he is held tightly by lengtian and can't move.

"Daddy, when you get bruised, I'll give you a strong wipe. It's killing you!"

The kid's face is puffy and threatening.

Laugh in the cold.

"I won't give you a chance!"

"Then Mommy will avenge me!" Leng Yicheng turns to the summer solstice for help.

Summer solstice nodded, echoed: "well, Mommy help you revenge!"

"You two just want to hurt me?"

On a cold day, he glanced at his wife and children with teasing eyes. "Last time I didn't know who it was, and asked me if it hurt. I wanted to blow it for me!"

"It must not be me!" Leng Yicheng denied it completely.

Summer solstice chuckles.

"All right!"

Hand her the eggs in the cold.

Summer solstice took it, knocked it on the table, peeled off the eggshell and fed it to his son's mouth.

Leng Yicheng lowers his head and takes a bite. When he eats the egg yolk, he frowns.

"Well, not yet!"

She looks at it, smiles and presents it to someone.

"Look, it's not ripe!"

Cold day glanced, "this is the most nutritious, to spread some sauce, delicious."

She laughed, "nutrition, you eat it!"

"Wife, you look yellow and thin, you'd better eat it, so as not to go out and be told I won't give you food!"

In cold weather, he looks evil and charming with a smile.

Summer solstice

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