A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3772

"Leng Yicheng, if you are sleepy, you should sleep a little longer."

Cold day to see his son, said a word.

"No, if I fall asleep, if you leave, what will you do without me?" Leng Yicheng pouts, but refuses to go back to sleep.

Cold days smile, turned into the bathroom, relieved for a while, and then began to brush his teeth and wash his face.

The little guy also followed in and went to the toilet.

On a cold day, I took a look in the mirror. I was afraid that my son would forget to flush the water.

"To flush."

"I see." The little guy answered lazily.

Without opening her eyes, she came over and stood beside her.

"Go back to your room and wash." He looked down at the little guy in the cold.


Leng Yicheng answers, then turns and walks out of the bathroom towards the door.

Open the door, immediately ran back to his room, took the toiletries and ran back.

In less than ten seconds.

On a cold day, when I saw my son coming back with his own toiletries, the corner of my mouth couldn't help rising.

"What are you worried about? Your mother hasn't got up yet."

"I just want to follow you so that you don't take Mommy away. Leave me at home alone, don't you

Leng Yicheng looks up at daddy and says angrily.

Cold day looking at temper not small guy, big hand on his head, hard to rub.

"Your mummy has promised to take you. Can you take you or not? Do you believe your mummy's words or yourself?"

"I don't believe you." The corner of Leng Yicheng's mouth pouts.

"Dad, please help me get water. I need to brush my teeth."

Cold day smile, took the little guy's cup, gave him a little water.

"Here you are!"

Leng Yicheng smiles and squints, then stands with lengtian and begins to brush his teeth.

Father and son are synchronized, one big and the other small, just like the facial features printed out in size, which makes people unable to open their eyes.

The summer solstice stands at the bathroom door, looking at their father and son, mouth bending.

I was just woken up by the sound of their brushing their teeth.

Originally, she wanted to get up early the next day. Maybe it's the habit of biological clock, or maybe it's her habit of getting up early to keep fit.

So the alarm went off and she woke up.

"You don't call me when you get up."

Summer solstice yawns. Well, I can't open my eyes.

Although it is so early to get up, but the spirit is not very good.

Cold day looked at her, soft voice way: "are you still very sleepy?"? You're not in good spirits, or you'll sleep another half an hour. I'll finish breakfast later, and then I'll come up and call you

"It's too late to go back to sleep."

Summer solstice stand straight body came in, took his cup water began to brush teeth.

"I'd better brush my teeth and wash my face first, and I'll make up later."

On a cold day, he rubbed her head with his big hand, a little distressed.

"Wedding photos are not in a hurry. You can postpone shooting for two days."

"No, you can't. You've arranged your schedule, and then you can change it. What do you do with your work? There are so many things left in the company. "

Xia Zhi strongly disagrees.

After brushing her teeth for a while, she became sober and less sleepy.

"I can do whatever I want with the company. If you're not in a good mood, the effect is not good. "

Summer solstice smiles.

water Mou looked at the man, "I will apply a mask to ensure that the effect is better."

Cold weather

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