A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3849

"Uncle Yi, are you too old?"

Jiyixi came over and joked.

"Well, I'm old!" Uncle Yi shook his head with a smile.

"You didn't think you were younger than uncle Jia just now." Ji Yixi stands behind uncle Yi with his arm on his shoulder.

Uncle B looked back at him and said, "don't you think I'm younger than him? Is he more wrinkled than I am? "

Xia Zhi and Leng Yicheng smile and squint.

"Uncle B looks younger!" She looks at Uncle Yi with a smile.

"Ha ha, it's better to be with you young people.

How young I look like this,

unlike my elder brother who follows the master every day, how can I be young? He's an old man. "

Uncle Yi is proud and continues to play chess with Leng Yicheng.

The south side walked to come over, hear the words that second uncle says, point to approve.

"It's true. When you are with young people, your mentality will follow young people.

If you are in a good mood, you will be in a good mood.

It's like a young man with the mentality of an old man. The older you look, the older you get

"What the male Dean said is reasonable." Ji Yixi praised him and gave him a thumbs up.

South side slanted him one eye, "you still don't go back?"? Still hanging here? "

Ji Yixi's mouth twitched.

"Can't you sit for a while?"

The summer solstice smiles and sees that Ji Yixi is carrying the packed food. "You'd better hurry back. It's too late and it's cold. It's not good for pregnant women to eat too late. Eat early and rest early. "

"OK, listen to my sister-in-law. I'll go back now."

Jiyixi waved to them, turned and walked towards the door.

"Boss, I'm going. Bye."

He called out to the restaurant, where he was clearing the table on a cold day.

The summer solstice saw it and walked past.

"You go up and take a bath first. I'll clean it up."

I didn't ask her to help me in the cold. I asked her to take a bath.

Summer solstice smile, or to help a garbage collection, "well, it's still a little early, not urgent."

"Do it yourself. I'll throw out the garbage."

Cold day looked at her, should be a, and then holding the bowl into cleaning.

Summer solstice took a look at him, tied up the opening of the garbage bag, carried it out and threw it in the big garbage can.

It's windy outside, it's cold, and it's raining a little.

She ran back quickly.

"Husband, it's raining outside. It's so cold!"

Summer solstice escape into the house to warm up.

On a cold day, I looked out of the window. It was dark outside and I couldn't see clearly.

"It didn't rain, did it?"

"It's raining, goose feather drizzle."

Summer solstice leaned aside with a smile and watched him wash the dishes.

In the cold, Feng's eyes flashed and glanced at the smile on her face.

"Come here!"

Xia Zhi was stunned and looked at him inexplicably.

"Well?" The tone of voice went up a little in the cold.

She smiles and walks over.

Cold arm open, motioned her to come into his arms, summer solstice can not help but smile sweetly.

"What are you doing? Can you still do the dishes? "

Cold day picked next brow tip, "absolutely no problem."

Summer solstice lips a smile, eyebrows and eyes shining, nest in his arms, hands holding his waist.

His arms were warm.

On a cold day, I held her in my arms and washed the dishes.

"Just played chess with Leng Yicheng and won several games?"

He looked down at her hair.

The summer solstice was embarrassed, "no win."

It's nice to hear the cold laughter.

"Still laughing She pinched him on the waist with a smile.

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