A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3852

"Baby, you have tea!"

The summer solstice washed the milk for his son and came with a bottle and a pot of milk.

"Mommy, I just took a sip."

Leng Yicheng replied with a smile.

Summer solstice looked at everyone with a smile, and then sat next to the cold weather.

"Would you like a glass of milk?"

"I'm drinking tea." Cold day looked at her, she just finished the bath, the body is very fragrant, the face also looked at the pink.

It's tempting.

On a cold day, he put his arm around her waist.

He put his chin on the top of her hair, sniffed the fragrance of her body, and looked deeply.

The summer solstice took a look at him and hit him a little.

He smiles in the cold and sits upright.


"Have a milk tea!"

She leaned over to take a cup and asked Leng Yicheng to pour some black tea in. She added a little milk and the milk tea came out immediately.

"Mommy, is that good?" Leng Yicheng looks at her with a smile, curious.

"I'll try it!"

She took a sip and nodded, "it's not sweet!"

Milk tea with red beans and coconut milk is good.

"I'll try!" She took the milk tea in her hand on a cold day, drank it, and frowned.

"It's better to drink milk directly!"

She smiles.

"I'll have a look, too!" Leng Yicheng sits up, pulls down lengtian's arm and asks him to pass it.

Cold days, holding a cup, feeding to the son's mouth, the little guy around the corner of the mouth immediately stained with a ring of milk. White.

Like a kitten.

Summer solstice looked funny, and then took a napkin to wipe the milk stains on his son's mouth.


"I think it's OK!" Leng Yicheng smiles and drinks a little.

"Don't drink, be careful of diarrhea!" The summer solstice didn't dare to let him drink more. He brought it and drank it himself.

Leng Yicheng stares at her without blinking and says in surprise: "Mommy. Are you not afraid of diarrhea? "

"Mummy has better immunity, not afraid!" The summer solstice touched his son's cerebellar pouch.

"Sister in law, don't worry. I'll prescribe medicine for you if you have diarrhea!" The south is laughing and joking.

Summer solstice corner of the mouth twitches next, cold day white South one eye, "go away, I come with B uncle next game!"

Looking at the cold weather in the south, he moved his ass to make way for the cold weather.

Watch him play chess with Uncle Yi.

Summer solstice sit for a while, wait for the son to drink milk, just take him upstairs to sleep.

Uncle B is also busy with his own business. In the living room, he is left to play chess with the two southerners on cold days.

"Boss, can you think about my mood. It's boring to lose all the time

"Hum!" Cold day lifted Mou to sweep him one eye, "if intentionally let you, won interesting?"

South touched his nose.

"You're going to help five tomorrow?"

Cold weather with the south, five to Jingdong layout proposal scene.

South looked at him, "should go, I have nothing to do!"

"How long do you think it will take for Leng Yicheng to be ok?"

"Another week, do a blood test to see, now frequent inspection is not good."

The south side talked to him about the little guy.

Upstairs, the summer solstice coaxed his son to sleep, covered his son with a quilt, and then he went to the bathroom to wash his clothes.

Xiaoyue called her and said, "Xiaozhi, Ji Yixi just told me that jingshao would propose to Ziqi this weekend. Do you know?"

The summer solstice looked at Xiaoyue, who was eating in the other side of the sea, and said with a smile, "I know. In the evening, the old five revealed it to me!"

Xiaoyue smiles and squints, "happy for Ziqi!"

"Me too!"

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