A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 389

Cold days glaring at the son of ghost spirit spirit, didn't explain too much.

"Look at her performance!"

He dug up a spoonful of ice cream and thought it was too sweet for him.

On a cold day, he put the ice cream on the table and said, "it's not delicious at all!"

Leng Yicheng pouted his little mouth and protested: "if it's not delicious, you still eat it!"

"That's what you want, thank you son!"

In the cold, I pinched my baby son's face.

"Well, it's not for you!" Leng Yicheng is wringing a small eyebrow, puffing a small face and humming.

It hurts in cold weather.

"I see. Don't stress it!" He glared at the little guy and immediately got up and went to the study.

I don't even watch movies for this little guy.

Now, his son's food is reserved for her, but not for him.

The big one and the small one, no one can trust him?

He took out a cigarette and leaned on the balcony of his study, gazing at the distant eyes, deep as ink.

She lied that she had given birth to her baby for a while and then disappeared.

Does the woman know the birth mother?

Suddenly, a hazy face slipped through my mind.

He took a deep breath of smoke, so many years later, the memory of that night is still only so sporadic, the face still can not see who it is.

It's all because he hit the road.

Deep eyes slide through a cold.

What does she want to do when she comes back?


Summer solstice cooked wondun, out did not see a man's figure, but Leng Yicheng sitting at the table, holding ice cream to eat, but dare not eat.

She laughs, "baby, eat wonton!"

"Mommy, do you have diarrhea after eating this at night?"

Leng Yicheng looks at her with bright eyes and trust.

"One will eat cold, one will eat hot, one will have diarrhea, too cold to eat more!"

"Oh Then I can't eat it. This is for Mommy! "

Leng Yicheng pushes the ice-cream she has taken a few mouthfuls in front of her. Then she holds a bowl of hot wonton and blows away the heat.

Lean in, the heat puffed his little face.

Summer solstice touched his small head, soft voice: "wait a while, don't burn."

"Mm-hmm!" Leng Yicheng's head nodded cleverly, staring at the Wong without blinking.

Summer solstice looked at the exquisite child, a soft heart, the more contact with this child, her feeling is more strong.

Sometimes, even unconsciously, he will be regarded as his own child.

Realizing this, the summer solstice was stunned.

"Mommy, what's the matter with you?"

Leng Yicheng noticed her distant eyes, blinked and looked at her.

When summer solstice came back, he touched his little face with a smile in his caring eyes. He took a small bowl and put out some wonton. He tried the temperature and fed him.

After a while, he whispered, "I'm thinking about my baby!"

Leng Yicheng blinked his smart eyes. "Mommy, my brother must miss you too!"

Summer solstice funny, warm heart touched the little guy's head, "Hmm!"

She did not continue this topic, said many, the little guy also did not understand, oneself also only increases sad.

"I'll miss my mommy, too."

Summer solstice hand meal, surprised to see the little guy, after all, is still a child, last time he said do not want to, but human nature, who do not want to do.

"I wonder what she looks like! Is it ugly! Will it be buckteeth? Maybe it's because I look so beautiful and feel inferior that I dare not be with us... "

The summer solstice hears the kid's milk voice milk Qi's conjecture, mercilessly drew the corner of the mouth.

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