A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 3959

After a while, the cold weather came.

Leng Yicheng shouts to him: "Daddy, hurry up."

The cold day glanced at him

Looking at the cold weather upstairs to change clothes, the old man and Li Ziheng smile.

"Well! It's time for us to go out, too. He'll be down in a moment. " The old man called Li Ziheng.

"Good!" Li Ziheng went out with the old man, "sincerity, let's go!"

"I'll go out later!" Leng Yicheng holds the pillow and nests on the sofa.

Li Ziheng was surprised. He just thought about how the little guy didn't go out again.

"Everyone is ready to eat, don't you?" He asked with a smile.

"I'll wait for my mommy!" Leng Yicheng looked at them, "you go out with my grandfather first!"

Lengchao laughingly looked at the little guy and asked Li Ziheng to go out, "without waiting for him, let's go out first. He wants to wait for his father!"

Li Ziheng looked at the old man in surprise. He couldn't believe it. He turned to look at the little guy and laughed.

"I'll wait for my mommy! I'm not waiting for Daddy Leng Yicheng snorted and corrected.

The summer solstice came over from the kitchen and asked them to go out and eat at the table, "baby, go to eat!"

Leng Yicheng blinked. He ran down and said, "Mommy, I'll go pee. I'll go soon!"

Summer solstice smile, also not waiting for the little guy, go out to greet everyone.

Leng Yicheng looked back and saw that they were all out. He ran to the bathroom, then ran out and continued to sit on the sofa waiting for the cold weather.

On a cold day, I changed my clothes and went downstairs. When I saw my son sitting on the sofa, I raised my eyebrows and said, "why don't you go out for dinner?"

Everybody's out there.

"Daddy, you finally come down!"

Leng Yicheng runs to him, grabs his hand and laughs coldly.

"Eat out!"

"Well!" Leng Yicheng takes his hand and jumps.

Cold day swept a son, soft voice way: "hungry bad?"? Yeah

This kid knows how to wait for him!

"No, I ate a lot of fruit!" Leng Yicheng chuckles and touches his belly.

On a cold day, he bent over to pick up the little guy, touched his little stomach with his big hand, and said deliberately: "I'm very full. You'll eat less later!"

Leng Yicheng sobbed a few times, and his little mouth pouted, "but if you eat less, what will you do if you are hungry?"

"How can you be so hungry? Haven't you eaten a lot?" In the cold weather, he raised his eyebrows and glared at the little guy in his arms.

Leng Yicheng takes a peek at him. He feels guilty in the cold sky's eyes.

"But I eat fruit!"

Cold days smile, shun the next son's hair, "stomach is not comfortable?"

"No!" Leng Yicheng grabs his collar with a small hand and responds with a soft and waxy way.

Cold days smile, holding him out, everyone on the table, waiting for them.

"Boss, hurry up. If you don't come down, we'll be embarrassed to eat!"

Jiyixi poured him a glass of red wine.

"Wait for the boss." Li Ziheng laughed, and everyone could not help laughing at them.

"Baby, come and sit here!" The summer solstice reaches for his son and puts him on the seat beside him.

"You can eat first, and wait for me!"

He picked up his glass, called everyone, and sat down beside them.

"It's hard work today. Have a drink!"

"Come on, come on!"

Everyone happily touched each other under the cup, quickly open to eat.

"Baby, what do you want to eat, Mommy will bring it to you!"

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