A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4116

On a cold day, she coaxed her for a long time, but he wanted to go to the bathroom. He got up and went to the bathroom.

Summer solstice funny, but do not want to step on his tail.

"What are you laughing at?"

He was fierce, summer solstice quickly covered his mouth, chatting with a smile, "you are so angry, I think you need to eat some juice, do you want?"

Cold day Jun face sink heavy, cold hum a.

She smiles. No matter whether he drinks it or not, she still goes out to squeeze juice and gives Ziqi Fangyi a cup. Then she goes back to the office and pours a cup for herself. Then she goes over and pours a cup for him.

Cold just glanced at her, did not wait for him to speak, she quickly interrupted him, "drink more juice is good for your health!"

"Am I in poor health?" The sword eyebrows stand up in cold weather.

You are very angry.

Summer solstice looked at him, but did not coax him. He took his cup, drank the juice directly, and then took the pot back to his seat to drink.

Cold weather

He looked at his glass and there was not a drop left.

He wrung his brow, took the cup and washed out the juice. Then he poured boiling water and drank a few mouthfuls.

He took the document and reviewed it. But in less than half an hour, he was in urgent need of urination and went into the rest room again.

I went to the bathroom several times in the morning.

Summer solstice see, snicker, she also drink porridge, also drink so much juice, on the two times, are not as frequent as he.

Fang Yi was crying and sent a message to her, asking them what happened to the president.

Summer solstice had no choice but to hint at the bottom, Fang pondered, and did not dare to expose the trumpet in cold weather. He gave us a warning in the group.

Fang Yi: everyone work hard. Don't gossip in the group. Do you want to have a good Spring Festival?

It's quiet in the crowd.

Several senior executives called Fang Yi, hoping to get the most accurate information from Fang Yi. Fang Yi didn't have much to say.

"In the future, you'd better give more praise to the young lady in the group, and say less about other things!"

Several senior executives have speculated that the gossip in the group will not be discovered by Mr. Leng, right?

All of a sudden, everyone is not good.

No wonder I was scolded by Mr. Leng all morning.

Leng always saw them lazy.

This, a few executives did not speak, the people below did not dare to jump, and gradually quiet down.

From time to time also boast of the summer solstice.

Vice President: Madam President, today's skirt is really beautiful. I also want to buy one for my girlfriend. I don't know where I bought it.

Operation Director: come on, just like your girlfriend, she looks good in everything she wears.

Front desk: I like the red number of the president's wife today. She looks very good.

Summer solstice see the information, a little confused, how everyone around her body.

She smiles and replies to the front desk.

Solstice: @ front desk, sand orange.

Summer solstice: @ vice president, my husband bought this skirt. I don't know where I bought it. Ha ha!

Vice President: Wuwu When I didn't ask!

Summer solstice funny, turned to look at a man there, see cold days at work, did not disturb him.

Solstice: I'll tell you when I ask!

We chatted for a while, but we didn't dare to talk more, so we all devoted ourselves to our work.

Xia Zhi takes the processed data to Ziqi. Ziqi doesn't have time to look at his mobile phone, but the information on it keeps on lighting up and takes a look at it.

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