A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4143

After breakfast, they went out and sent Leng Yicheng to school.

To the school, the cold car has been waiting there.

"Mommy. Daddy's car

Leng Yicheng is very happy. He runs to get off the bus first. When he sees them coming in the cold, he gets off the bus.

See the son ran toward him in the past, cold thin lips gently.

"Daddy, are you here so early?"

Leng Yicheng asked with a smile, and the dimples appeared.

On a cold day, he leaned over to pick up the little guy and went to the summer solstice. The summer solstice was bringing his son a schoolbag.

He pinched the little guy's nose. "Come and wait for you!"

"You're here to wait for Mommy, not me!" Leng Yicheng turns down his mouth and exposes him.

The summer solstice takes down the schoolbag and looks at him with a smile, "how long have you been here?"

"Just a few minutes!" In cold weather, he raised his mouth and sent his son to the school gate with her before he put down the little guy.

Summer solstice took the bag to his son's back, arranged the clothes on the little guy's body, mother and son two mutually kiss under the cheek.

"Bye, Mommy! Goodbye, Daddy

Leng Yicheng kisses lengtian, then turns around and runs into the campus.

Cold day picked under the sword eyebrow, smile, pull the hand of the summer solstice, toward his car there, let Xia Guangyao that car follow.

Xia Guangyao saw the couple and did not sit down to disturb them.

"Have you bought everything?"

When she got on the bus in cold weather, she asked.

"Grandfather is ready, the rest can be bought at the door!"

Buckle your seat belt on the summer solstice, close the door on a cold day, walk around, get on the bus and drive to the cemetery.

"How's it going at home?" She turned to look at the man driving and asked curiously.

"The rest of the seats can be set up today, the rest yesterday."

"That's good!" She smiles.

Cold day looked at her, said with a smile: "more family, fast work, you don't worry, will give you a romantic wedding!"

Summer solstice smile, water eye looked at him, coy way: "I don't say this!"

On a cold day, he reached for her hand and gave it a kiss.

Summer solstice quickly pulled back to remind him, "drive well!"

"Did you miss me?"

She glanced at him. "What do you want?"

Isn't he around her? Need to think about it?

On a cold day, the sword frowned and turned to stare at her.

Summer solstice chuckled, "miss you, always think of you!"

In the cold weather, he raised his eyebrows, thin lips and was satisfied.

It's almost eight o'clock when we get to the cemetery. There are still many people. It's very busy.

They bought some incense at the door. Xia Guangyao took them in and helped them carry things in cold weather.

"Husband, hard work!" Summer solstice hook his arm, smiling at the man.

Cold day swept her one eye, "this thing, again not heavy!"

She snickered.

When they arrived at their parents' tomb, the three cleaned it up. Xia Guangyao placed the fruits for sacrifice, lit candles and incense, and took them to worship.

"I brought Xiaozhi and Xiaotian to see you. You should know that they will have a wedding the day after tomorrow."

Xia Guangyao stood aside, cold days and summer solstice put down flowers, "Mom and Dad, I'll put wine with cold days the day after tomorrow, remember to bless us!"

Cold day looked at her, seriously with her father-in-law and mother-in-law said: "Dad, mom, you can rest assured, I will take good care of Xiaozhi!"

Xia Guangyao smiles, squats down to pour wine, and tells his son and daughter-in-law some other things at home. The two of them stand by.

Three people worship to, from the cemetery out, but also 20 minutes.

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