A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4176

"Let's go to the ancestral hall!" Leng Chao looks at a couple with a smile and is very happy.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, he motioned for Xipo to lead the way. With the help of Uncle Jia, the old man and his party went to the ancestral hall.

In cold weather, he helps Xiazhi to go there, following Xipo. Ziqi follows her closely, holding an umbrella for Xiazhi.

The best man and the maid of honor are divided into two columns, both of which follow the newcomer and move there.

Leng Yicheng and another flower boy, a girl from a relative's family, all follow in a regular way.

The scene is spectacular, and the photographer takes the most beautiful angle.

Summer solstice hands holding a fan to cover his face, walking for a period of time or quite sour, plus the neck, head, heavy, in short, is not usually so comfortable, but also a grand moment, she can not help nervous tension, some tension.

"Just follow me!"

In cold weather, I feel her nervous and comfort her with a smile.

Summer solstice lips a smile, slanted his one eye.

"I'm a little nervous!" She whispered.

"Nervous what!" Cold day smile, "are friends and relatives! Most of them you've seen! "

That's true, but in such an atmosphere, she will still be nervous.

Xipo thought about the bride. She walked slowly, but she walked happily, which made many people laugh.

At the gate of ancestral temple, Xipo asked people to bring a brazier, "the bride steps over!"

Cold days holding the hands of the summer solstice, Ziqi with warm help holding the summer solstice clothes, she walked past, Xipo side read auspicious words.

Then they went to the door, "be careful!"

On a cold day, he directly hugged her, half hugged her, half carried her, and brought the summer solstice into the room. The summer solstice laughed.

"The chapel begins!" Teacher Fu Shangxiang, prepare the process, sing.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

The couple turned around and knelt down toward the door, supporting the summer solstice in cold weather. After the two worshipped, he stood up again supporting the summer solstice.

"Two worship ancestors!"

Both husband and wife knelt down in good order.

"Husband and wife worship each other!"

They turned around, looked at each other with a smile, and bowed to each other.

Everyone around, all smiles at this moment.

"After the ceremony, send it to the bridal chamber!"

Everyone coaxed, "into the bridal chamber!"

On a cold day, he helped her out of the ancestral temple and walked to the main house for a long time. He directly picked her up and strode towards her.

"Oh, the boss can't wait!"

"Ha ha!"

Everyone followed them with a roar of laughter.

Cold days and summer solstice back to the main house, into the house to sit down, out to greet friends and relatives, just transferred to the gold coast.

Summer solstice sitting in the car, still holding a fan.

"You don't have to lift the fan!" Cold day funny looking at her, Feng Mou tender feelings like water.

"I haven't returned to my room yet."

Their wedding room is on the side of the gold coast, and some of the ceremonies are not over.

Hold her in the cold and let her lean on herself to relieve fatigue.

Leng Yicheng sat on one side and was very happy. "Daddy, isn't it dark before people can get married? Do you and Mommy get married in the daytime? "

The summer solstice turned red.

Cold day swept a curious little guy, "just a process, go to bed at night!"

"Oh Leng Yicheng smiles and nods half knowingly.

The south side is amused unceasingly, looked back their husband and wife two, "you daytime bridal chamber is also all right!"

Cold day swept him one eye, warning a, "no matter when, you have what bad idea all hold back!"

South side picked next eyebrow, he didn't have.

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