A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4181

"Thank you for coming to my grandchildren's wedding. I hope you can understand where the wedding banquet is not well received. Everyone is open to eat and must be satisfied. Even if you like to drink wine, you can tell the waiter that it is absolutely necessary!"

Lengchao took the microphone to greet everyone, and everyone clapped and cheered.


"It's said that Leng always has a liquor store. We're not welcome today!"

"As long as you drink well, it's OK, ha ha!"


The waiter was busy serving the dishes.

On cold days and the summer solstice, they sat at the main table with their elders, and the bridesmaids and best men group was close to 78.

All the wine tables that can be placed at home are laid down. All the way to the door, to the neighbor, the venue is full of people, grand and incomparable.

Everyone filled their glasses one after another. On cold days and the summer solstice, the new couple got up to greet their relatives and friends.

"Welcome everyone, here we husband and wife salute everyone!"

Everyone raised their glasses in return, and the wedding banquet officially began. They drank and tasted the delicious food.

"You have something to eat, and you have something to eat!" Moqing told the cold weather with the summer solstice, "eat for a while to toast!"

"Well!" Summer solstice nodded with a smile, to see food, she can't help but greedy.

Leng Yicheng ran over and leaned against the summer solstice, "Mommy, I'll sit with you!"

"Good!" She turned to pick up the little guy, let him sit on his lap, give him a clip to eat.

The clock took a chair and added, "sit here sincerely!"

"Thank you, uncle!" Leng Yicheng turns his head to thank him with a smile. He climbs over and helps him at the summer solstice.

We can't help laughing at the little guy sitting there eating happily.

"This chicken head, you husband and wife ate it!"

Lengchao put the chicken head in front of their husband and wife. On a cold day, they looked at each other with the summer solstice. When the summer solstice looked at everyone, they were all laughing at them. "Just one, how do you eat?"

She asked jokingly.

"That's your problem. We can eat together!" Leng Jiaxin laughs.

The summer solstice took a look at the cold weather, took a bite and gave it to him.

"You ate it!"

On a cold day, he frowned and said, "this must be eaten. It's a good omen!"

Cold weather had to pick up to eat, eat a few, Jun face taut tightly.

"Hee hee Summer solstice funny looking at him, "husband, come on!"

Cold day swept her one eye, usually they don't eat these, these B uncle when they cook will never be on the table.

This is a challenge to the stomach in cold weather.

"A few bites will do!" When the mother looked at the cold weather uncomfortable appearance, remind a, lest he will nausea.

Put it down in cold weather and wash off the taste of the wine.

"Here you are!" Summer solstice clip off his favorite food to his mouth, cold days, eat happily, this bottom of my heart comfortable.

He also gave her food, "wife!"

Summer solstice smile, carefully bite one end to eat.

When the elders saw that they were feeding each other, they all laughed and were very satisfied, so they began to eat.

"Take a bite of all the dishes, and we'll eat them again!" Xia Guangyao reminded the couple.

The waiter in charge of serving the dishes also understood this. They all went up to them first, and then turned to Leng Yicheng. The little guy ate happily.

A round of dishes down, cold days and summer solstice stomach also eat a lot.

Some people come to propose a toast. Leng Chao uses tea instead of wine. They talk and laugh back one after another. A couple of them also get up and respond to each other.

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