A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4201

"Everyone is busy!" Lengtian nodded to everyone and took the summer solstice to other departments.

"President, happy wedding to the president's wife!"

"Thank you

Summer solstice smile thanks, pink peach, charming and moving.

In addition, the company is more and more like the president's wife.

The couple turned around and returned to the top floor. It was more than an hour later, and it was almost noon.

"Let's go to dinner!" I raised my wrist in the cold and looked at the time.

Summer solstice smile, "just eat breakfast how long ah, you have something to be busy first, I am not hungry, or you hungry?"

"I'm not very hungry, either!" The cold day embraces her waist, raises her chin, looks at the nimble water eye, the eye light dark goes down, bends over to hold her mouth, came a deep kiss.

Summer solstice panting against him, smelling the man's strong hormone breath, palpitations, cheeks red.

Leng Tianyi is still pecking and kissing on her mouth, and her voice is low. "If it's not for your discomfort, I'll eat you!"

The summer solstice blushed and pinched him on his waist. He said, "hooligan!"

In cold weather, thin lips and gentle smile are pleasant.

As soon as Fang came in, he saw their husband and wife's love and coughed.

Cold day a sharp eyes swept past, Fang Yishan came in, "excuse me, Mr. Leng, this document is in urgent need of your signature!"

The summer solstice came out of his cold arms, sat aside and looked at the magazine.

Fang Yi laughs and goes forward to lengtian.

On a cold day, he took the pen with one hand and signed it.

"Mr. Leng, many senior executives from overseas companies wish you a happy marriage with your young wife!"

"Well!" On a cold day, he nodded slightly and ordered Fang to say one by one, "let's go ahead and have a meeting at two o'clock on time!"

"Yes, overseas?" If Fang Yi knows what the meeting will talk about in cold weather, please make it clear.

"Together!" Sit back at your desk on a cold day and start to read the papers.

Summer solstice lying on the back of the chair, looking at the man's serious work, smile, she has nothing to do, ran to find Ziqi.

"Treat me to dinner?" Ziqi saw her coming, joking.

"Why do I invite you to dinner?" The summer solstice was stunned.

"You're married. Shouldn't you invite me to dinner?" Ziqi blinked.

Summer solstice speechless, "didn't you have enough yesterday?" She looks at Ziqi funny.

"Yes, I haven't had enough, it's all wine!" Ziqi smiles and squints.

"I don't know how much you can drink!" The summer solstice poked her forehead, "it's almost noon. I'll order something to eat. What do you want to eat?"

"Do you really invite me?" Ziqi's eyes brightened.

"Not for you!"

The summer solstice took out his mobile phone and began to see what delicious food there was. Yesterday, he ate too many delicious food. It seemed that he had no appetite for these.

"Was it sweet with your husband last night? When did you sleep?" Ziqi's smiling gossip.

Summer solstice face a stream of heat came up, raised eyes to see her one eye, remind her.

"Are you gossiping about our life? Be careful to be heard by my husband. Your salary will be deducted! "

"Hey hey, your husband promised me a raise yesterday, not afraid!" Ziqile's smile narrowed his eyes, this thing has to be reminded.

"Fang tezhu, yesterday Leng always promised to give me a raise. How much more?"

Fang Yi ran out, "is there such a thing?"

Ziqi speechless, "yes, aren't you there?"

"I'll ask and see if I can get more bonus, too!" Fang Yi Snickers and knocks while Leng is in a good mood.

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