A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4207

"Lao Wu, you don't go to the company. Who will take care of the company?"

summer solstice is curious. He is very idle all day and runs there.

"My assistant!" Ji Yixi smiles and squints his eyes. It's better to find a right-hand man than anything else. Besides, he's just a company. He's easy to manage, not as big as the boss.

"Is that the man who was good at drinking yesterday?" Xia Zhi thought of a man who was very familiar with Lao Wu yesterday and could drink a lot. He took her husband to drink a lot, but the amount of alcohol was not as good as in cold weather.

"Yes, entertainment companies are full of parties. He can't drink, he can't!" Ji Yixi turns around, opens his hands, hangs on the back of his chair and stretches out.

Cold day swept him one eye, remind a, "your company business is quite a lot now, you have to deal with things in the company half a day, don't idle all day!"

Ji Yixi looked at him and retorted, "I'm not you, boss. Do you want to inject capital?"

Cold day eyes cool swept him one eye, "not interested in!"

Ji Yixi turned the corner of his mouth and murmured, "I'd better find that guy to cooperate again!"

Xiazhi and Xiaoyue look at him funny.

"The model contest is very good. Should it be close to the final?" Summer solstice looked at Xiaoyue, "do you still participate?"

"Well..." Xiaoyue hesitated. She didn't care about it when she was sick a while ago. Now it's mainly about baby protection. Let's see then.

"Not yet!"

The summer solstice smiles, "if you participate, don't be too tired, but after the child is born, you can still participate next time!"

I'm not very old. I'll be fine a few years later.

Xiaoyue nodded. Ji Yixi glanced at her and said, "it's not tiresome to compete. Just changing clothes and showing various talents, it's still very hard to be nervous!"

Not to mention training underneath.

"If you can handle it, you can take part in it. If you can't, you can take part in it next time." The summer solstice patted Xiaoyue's thigh gently and raised it with her.

Xiaoyue nodded, "well, I know!"

"Eat pomegranates!" Jiyixi peeled a plate of pomegranates and put them in front of them. Xiazhi and Xiaoyue grabbed some to eat.

"We're not going to make your husband work, are we?" Xiaoyue bumps into Xiazhi's arm and asks in a low voice for fear of disturbing the office in cold weather.

"No!" The summer solstice's eyes indicate to the outside, "shall we go to find Ziqi? Ziqi said, "treat at night!"

"Really? She won the lottery. Is it a treat? " Xiaoyue exclaimed in an excited voice.

"She got a raise!" Summer solstice with pomegranate, sign Xiaoyue to follow.

"I peel pomegranate, sister-in-law, you just take it away?"

Ji Yixi jokes and looks at them with a smile.

"You peeled it, but I bought it!" The summer solstice smiles and squints.

Jesse turned her mouth and ate something else.

When they went out, he was bored and went up to his desk in the cold, "boss, do you want to eat oranges?"

"No!" Leng Tiantou did not look up at the report.

"Boss, how was your sister-in-law last night? Did you fight all night? "

Ji Yixi looks at him with a smile, full of gossip.

Cold day lift Mou, Phoenix Mou Mi Mi, light voice way: "not all night, but also longer than you!"


The orange in Ji Yixi's mouth spurts out, a face is depressed, "boss, you are too hateful, am I that bad? Laozi, I am also very persistent, OK

Cold day swept him one eye, "all day without exercise, can how long?"

That look in the eyes is very disdainful ah, Ji Yixi almost no internal injury, "angry, boss you too much!"

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