A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 424

"Baby, sit here and eat here!"

Summer solstice put down food, while greeting the little guy, while untiing the apron on the body.

"Hee hee, dinner's finally over!" Leng Yicheng smiles and narrows his eyes.

He glanced at his son in the cold, "don't you have dinner early? Haven't you had enough yet? "

"I've just had a few bites. Don't talk nonsense!" Leng Yicheng's mouth is pouting and his eyes are bulging at him.

Hear the voice of milk, summer solstice intuition funny.

Fu MA put down Leng Yicheng's job and took her apron, "young lady, you eat first, I'll come!"

The summer solstice smiles, turns to go in, washes hands, and feeds.

Cold weather also follow in, put her good meal out.

She looked and followed with a smile.

"Sit down and eat, don't hurry!"

On a cold day, he put a bowl of rice on the opposite side of Leng Yicheng, greeting the summer solstice.

She was stunned, "I sit here, what do you do over there?"

"Later, you sit here!"

On a cold day, his eyes were strong and his left hand knocked on the table.

Summer solstice left mouth, she sat there, how to take care of the baby to eat ah.

There was a murmur in her heart. She went there to sit down. She was really hungry.

Leng Yicheng looks at his side and frowns.

"I want to be with Mommy!"

He hugged his bowl and was about to sit down, but he was held down in the cold, "run, sit here and have a good meal!"

Leng Yicheng wrongly shriveled his mouth, "people want to sit with Mommy!"

Looking at the cold weather, the little guy is crying.

"Let him come!"

Summer solstice also reluctant to give up, exhort the voice man, let Leng Yicheng come to her side.

Lengtian looks at her and releases the palm of her son's hand. Leng Yicheng quickly holds his bowl and slides down the chair.

He reached for a hand and said, "what's the hurry? Watch out for the meal. "


Leng Yicheng snorted angrily, and then ran to the summer solstice.

Xia Zhi takes a look at the smelly man, Snickers, hugs the little guy and puts it on the seat on the other side of her.

Then he took his bowl and put it on the table. Leng Yicheng could reach the table, but it was a little difficult.

"Move his chair over." She told the man with a smile.

He pursed the corner of his mouth in the cold, but he took his son's seat and changed the seat for him.

"Eat quickly!"

Leng Yicheng shrunk.

Holding his bowl, he quickly began to eat.

"Eat slowly. Don't choke." When the summer solstice touches the little guy's head, her soft hair makes people's heart soften. She holds up her chopsticks and gives Leng Yicheng some fried dishes.

"Don't worry about him, you will eat by yourself, and you can eat as soon as possible!"

Cold weather also taught her a word.

Summer solstice smoked the corner of the mouth, take chopsticks to eat.

Talk about I'm not the same. I have the ability not to let her cook.

Suddenly quiet down, cold days and feel a little less.

He looked at a large and small focus on eating, no one to speak, he put some meat in her bowl, "eat more meat, eat those vegetables are nutritious?"

"I lose weight!" Summer solstice drum under the face, loud voice.

In the company, he forced her to eat a lot at noon every day. She gained weight and had more meat. If she didn't control it, she would be fat.

On a cold day, her eyes looked up and down at her, humming, "no two liang meat, what's the fat loss?"

Summer solstice blushes.

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