A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4246

At dinner, Leng Yicheng goes to call lengtian, "Daddy. It's time to eat! "

"Well!" Lengtian raises her eyes to see the little guy wandering at the door. Leng Yicheng hesitates and walks in.

"Daddy, thank you for your cat!"

Leng Yicheng stands in front of his desk and talks to him.

In the cold weather, he raised his mouth, saved the document, came over and rubbed his son's head, "not angry with me?"

"For the cat's sake, I'm not angry with you!" Leng Yicheng smiles, her eyebrows are bent, and she is very happy.

Cold day corner of the mouth smoked next, "later rob wife with me, I throw your pet out!"

Leng Yicheng left the corner of his mouth and raised his head to hum, "Daddy, don't you threaten me to be uncomfortable? Don't you know what to say to make people happy? Just pour cold water on it

Cold day smile, take him out to wash his hands to eat.

When the elders sat down, he picked up his son and sat down in a chair. At the summer solstice, he served everyone soup.





"It's baby's!"

"Thank you, Mommy!" Leng Yicheng smiles and squints. Seeing that everyone hasn't started yet, he doesn't eat either. He sits quietly.

Eyes dripping Liuliu looking at the table full of food.

"Let's all eat!" Summer solstice sat down and said.

Everyone laughs and starts to eat. Leng Yicheng puts a chicken leg in the cold weather.

"Here's the chicken leg for you!"

Cold day swept a little guy, chicken leg is from cold Yi Cheng own bowl you clip out to him, just summer solstice to son Sheng.

The summer solstice smiles and teases someone, "how nice baby is to you!"

Good idea. I don't want to send him to school in the morning.

Cold days hook thin lips, "do you want to eat?"

"No!" The summer solstice returns.

"I know you envy it!" In cold weather, the curvature of the mouth is more obvious.

Summer solstice

Everyone can't help laughing, funny looking at their husband and wife, that sweet appearance, let their girl heart young man heart all plop plop accelerated up.

"Come on, honey, have a chicken wing!" The clock was clamped by the clock mother.

The clock music opens its mouth.

MuQing also gave Shen Lianqing a piece of lamb chops, "old man, eat more!"

Shen Lianqing is also very happy, happy to eat up, "delicious!"

Time domain looking at Leng Chao and Xia Guangyao two old men to each other clip vegetables, corners of the mouth twitch, no one to him clip.

"Ha ha, is my uncle envious?" Leng Yicheng noticed time domain's eyes, and the thief narrowed his eyes with a smile. As soon as the little guy's words came out, they immediately attracted the attention of the elders and looked at time domain one after another.

"What I envy, what I want to eat, I'll clip it myself!" Time domain picked next eyebrow, big mouthful big meal.

Everyone laughed, when the mother gave him a piece of roast goose, "hurry to bring me a daughter-in-law home! If you want to be pinched, don't do it

Time domain:

Summer solstice funny, eat delicious, but also to the cold under the clip, "you eat more!"

On a cold day, her heart was very happy, and she had a lot of them. The little guy was sitting in the middle.

He looked left and right, bowed his head and continued to drink soup.

The elders watched their husband and wife interact and enjoyed themselves.

"As small as. We'll go back tomorrow. Would you like to go to Haicheng with us? " When the mother raised a mouth.

"No more."

She laughed. "Next week, we'll go to the skiing competition! Go on

"Why don't you go back when you come back? We'll meet directly in the snow city!" MuQing thinks it will be better and has enough time.

It's as small as staying in Haicheng for a long time.

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