A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 4428

"How fast the boss is!" The south side holds his chest in his hands and takes a video.

"I find him more and more powerful, do you?" Jingdong's eyes are fixed. He has been training all the year round and is not the biggest opponent.

"You go together."

Cold day swept them one eye, base brother cannot laugh or cry, was despised.

It's also what they call for. They have to fight with the cold weather.

As fast as lightning, the move of running clouds and flowing water makes the summer solstice palpitating.

Her husband is so handsome!

She was smiling.

Ziqi turns around and notices her sister's infatuated eyes. She is so funny that she reaches out and waves them in front of her.

"What for?"

Summer solstice turns to take a quick look at her, and then turns to see the cold weather beating.

I don't have a chance to see it.

"Daddy is so powerful, uncle, you are useless. You are not my daddy's match together." Leng Yicheng screamed excitedly beside him, with a proud face.

"A lot of people can't beat your daddy, OK?"

Everyone was in a state of tears and laughter.

"Uncle Jing, why don't you go?"

Leng Yicheng stares at Jingdong.

Jingdong funny, "I see on the line."

"You're not afraid you can't beat my daddy, are you?"

"He's not afraid. He can't beat your daddy!" Nanbian said with a smile.

"It's like you can fight?" Jingdong hurt him.

Nan Bian smiles and pushes his glasses down. "Shall we go up together?"

"You can't win." Jingdong left the corner of his mouth. Every time he fought with the boss, he couldn't fight.

"Are you afraid of losing face in front of Ziqi, or are you afraid of losing dignity in front of your brothers?"

The South stimulates him.

Jingdong does not eat this set, "your home is not warm, what are you afraid of?"


Leng Yicheng covered his mouth and snickered.

"Or you two fight!"

South, Jingdong

In cold weather, I played a game with everyone and gave them some key questions.

Stand in line, listen carefully and remember.

"You have a problem of speed, a problem of strength, and proficiency. We should strengthen training, focus on breakthroughs, find our own problems and strengthen training. "

Xia Zhi looks at the serious man, more powerful than Jingdong, exclaiming.

Fortunately, she is not his soldier.

Hey, hey.

If he leads people, he must be strict.

"Thank you for your advice!"

The team leader made a sound and everyone applauded.

Cold weather raised his hand, "you go on!"

He came over.

Jingdong and Nanbian give a thumbs up.

Cold day patted next Jing Dong shoulder, "compared to last time progress many."

Jingdong smiles.

"Tut Tut, the boss praised you." The South admires one.

Jingdong glanced at Laosi, "are you interested in staying and helping me to take some time?"

"Forget it, I have a lot to do in the hospital!"

The South refused immediately, so he didn't want to take anyone with him.

"You go to old five. That guy likes it."


Old four and old five are really good at kicking.

Cold days come before the summer solstice, eyes burning.

"Is it good?"

"Good looking!" Summer solstice smile, a face fan Mei, "super handsome!"

In cold weather, I smile like a spring breeze.

"Have you lost it?"

He bent slightly, his eyes smiling, glancing at her scarlet cheek, in a happy mood.

Take the watch from her hand and put it on.

"No fans." Summer solstice denies.

The cold gave her a flick on the forehead.

Summer solstice eat pain, stand aside some, bashful stare at him.

I took my cell phone in the cold, "did anyone call?"


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