A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 484

"Cold Yi Cheng's mouth is a little bit hot to eat

Summer solstice funny, put the rest into his mouth, greedy to eat up.

"It must be delicious. If it's not delicious, I won't buy it, let alone let the baby eat it."

Looking at the mother and son eating in the street, he sighed in the cold, "go back to the car and eat again."

People come and go here. It's not suitable.

"Hee hee, Mommy, let's eat!"

Leng Yicheng ignored him, took the bamboo stick in the summer solstice's hand, poked one by himself, and ate very contentedly, "eat well!"

"Eat slowly, and..."

At the summer solstice, he also likes it very much. His heart is very soft and he just wants to give him the best.

Lengtianjun's face sank. Seeing that they didn't exist for him, he walked over and flicked her ear.

The summer solstice raises the eye to look at him, the watery eye son, is reflecting the street lamp, bright very.

His eyes flashed, and his heart softened to her silly eyes.



The summer solstice gets up, pokes another one to eat, and his mouth keeps moving.

In the cold weather, Feng's eyes slanted, and she glanced at the oil stains at the corners of her mouth. She stretched out her fingers and wiped them away.

She blushed.

"Do you want it?"

"Mommy, don't give it to him, give it to me!"

Leng Yicheng pulls down her clothes, and the summer solstice quickly feeds one to him.

Cold face smelly looking at the proud little guy, hum a, let you proud, tomorrow will send you away.

"Give me one!" He gave orders in a low voice.

Xia Zhi took a look at him, did not dare to refute, or gave him a poke.

Cold days pick under the eyebrows, head down to eat, lips and teeth fragrance, not bad.

"One more!" He gently raised his jaw to signal her to continue.

Summer solstice Leng next, he also likes to eat this?

She poked him another one.

"Mommy, and me!"

Leng Yicheng saw that he ate several in a row. He was very worried. He was short and couldn't reach it. He could only jump below.

Summer solstice smile gave him another feed.

As a result, the box of octopus balls, she ate only two, the rest are into their father and son's stomach.

In the car, the box of octopus balls, also mostly into their father and son's stomach.

I gave her two.

Good things come in pairs!?

"So full!" Leng Yicheng feels his stomach contentedly.

He also contentedly picked the next sword eyebrow, the body leans on the back of the chair, the Phoenix Mou side, glanced at a depressed woman.

"If you're hungry, go back and let fu MA get some more food!"

"Not hungry!" She's just greedy.

The cold light fell on her stomach and moved away.

Summer solstice

What do you mean?

She secretly glared at him, and didn't say that she wanted to eat. She wanted to buy three boxes.

When she got home, she arranged all the gifts she was going to take with her tomorrow, and then she took Leng Yicheng back to her room to take a bath.

After coaxing Xiao Chengcheng to sleep, she went back to her bedroom to wash.

As soon as I came out of the bathroom, I saw someone lying on the bed with a sultry posture. The collar of the slippery pajamas was askew to one side, revealing a large area of wheat skin. The solid texture lines made people blush instantly.


She blushed and looked away, but couldn't hide her accelerating heartbeat.

What are you doing here

Her heart beat as her deep voice came.

The man glanced down from the corner of the bed.

"Go to sleep!"

Her pillows were crushed by him.

Cold day picked next eyebrow, one hand supported a head, the vision is deep to stare at her, just don't deserve to close to move a point.

The summer solstice had no choice but to lie down beside the bed.

He just fell asleep and was dragged into his arms.


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