A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 544

"Pack up, we're going back!"

Cold days up, carrying a suit jacket, see the son is still with Xia Guangyao as. Frequent chat, smoked the corner of the mouth.

He went over, took the mobile phone directly, and said hello to the old man at the other end, "grandfather, are you ok?"

"I'm in good spirits today, but I'm a little stuffy in the hospital."

Xia Guangyao narrowed his eyes with a smile.

On a cold day, he said softly, "grandfather can go to the park and play chess with other people to relax. Today we will go back to our old house to have dinner, so we can't go to see you. You can have a rest early in the evening."

"Well, I know. As a child, I told you that you don't have to come to see me sooner or later. You don't have to worry about my old man."

"Grandfather, be patient for a few days. When you are discharged, you can play chess with my grandfather."

Xia Guangyao at the other end of the line drew a corner of his mouth and nodded, "Hmm!"

After telling the old man to pay attention to his health, Leng Tiancai hung up and looked at Leng Yicheng, "my grandfather is not feeling well. Next time I talk on the phone, I'm not allowed to talk for more than half an hour!"

"Oh, I see. I haven't seen my grandfather for several days. I miss him."

Leng Yicheng bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"Grandfather is recovering well now. It's OK. Don't blame him!"

Xia Zhi protects Leng Yicheng and hugs the little guy. She is also happy to see Leng Yicheng talking with her grandfather. She can't bear to interrupt them.

Cold day swept her one eye, the vision is deep, "walked!"

"Hee hee, go home and see another grandfather! Daddy, don't you know I'm coming back? " Leng Yicheng tilts his head and asks happily.

"Well!" In the cold, he glanced at his son, who was in high spirits, and hooked the corner of his mouth.

This guy is so happy to be back.

"Isn't it fun in Haicheng?"

"It's fun, but I can't see Mommy or you!"

Leng Yicheng droops.

Summer solstice packed his things, took his bag and went to them, "children are easy to read their parents. If you leave him alone there, you won't be able to stay long."

Besides, Leng Yicheng grew up with him.

"You know he's reading me? Not you? " Looking at her, with a cold taste.

Xia Zhi looked away and said with a smile, "you are his father. Of course he is reading you!"

It's like she took his son.

"You are his mother!"

He locked her delicate face tightly, hiding a touch of deep meaning.

Summer solstice palpitation for a while, smile, "all think, he just not all said, also can't see you! Baby, tell him if you miss him

Leng Yicheng looked at her, then at the cold weather, and said in a low voice, "I miss Mommy more!"

Summer solstice

She smiles and feels proud. What should she do.

Cold days hang Mou to stare a son, "white raise you so big!"

"I've been with you for several years, and I've only had a meeting with mummy for a while!" Leng Yicheng pouts his lips to explain.

"Explanation is cover up!" He snorted in the cold.

Leng Yicheng sips her little mouth and stops talking.

Summer solstice funny touch his little face, bent over to pick up the little guy, "let's go home!"

"Hee hee, I miss my grandfather too. I don't know if my grandfather missed me!"

"I must miss our baby!" Summer solstice spoiled in his face a few kisses, more and more hurt him.

Cold days follow behind Mother and son, deep vision.

If it turns out to be true, this woman will certainly spoil this little guy even more.

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