A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 629

"Cold weather, I'm fine!"

She walked quickly over, stood beside him and touched his hand.

In the cold weather, she was telling the officials some things, pretending to hold her hand naturally.

"Let's go straight to the hospital." He looked up and said to her, and then told the officials, "Uncle Yi, Leng Yicheng may be back soon. Take care of him. Don't tell him we are back."

"Why?" The summer solstice is startled.

"I don't want him to worry!" She pinched her hand in the cold.

"Don't worry, young master. I will take good care of him. When can I let him know?" B uncle straight looking at the cold, always feel what's wrong.

The cold day thought, "probably in the evening, I'll call you then!"


"Let's go!" He urged her, summer solstice quickly pushed him out, with the official said hello, "Uncle B, don't worry, we went to the hospital first."

"Well, good!"

The officials followed him out.

Nanbian and the bodyguards are waiting for them outside. When they see them coming out, they come to help them. They take the luggage and push the wheelchair.

"Sister in law, I'll come!"

South, help the cold weather to the door, "be careful!"

Summer solstice stood aside and put his hand on his head in cold weather to prevent him from hitting his head.

On a cold day, he fumbled to get into the car. There was a block from the south. The housekeeper couldn't see anything. The South quickly put his feet on it and closed the door.

Summer solstice quickly from the other side of the car, the south side also on the co pilot's seat.

The bodyguard put the wheelchair away and rushed to the hospital.

The housekeeper stood at the door and watched the car leave. The young master came back in such a hurry and continued to be hospitalized. Is the injury serious or not?

In the car, lengtian took her hand and explained what she said just now, "I can't let you see Leng Yicheng for the moment. I don't want him to worry. I'll have an operation soon."

"So fast!" Summer solstice surprise.

His eyes can't see, and he has to have an operation. He really can't let his son know, or he will worry.

"Sister-in-law, I've arranged it. The faster the elder is going to have an operation, the more reassuring he is!"

South back to explain.

"Well, please, old four!" She was grateful.

"You're welcome, sister-in-law. Just remember my meal!" The south side laughed, hurriedly contacted with the hospital there.

"What kind of meal?"

Hear them two chat of fiery, cold day picked next sword eyebrow.

"Didn't he help you with your illness? I promised him that when you had finished the operation, I would invite him to our house for dinner!"

Xia Zhi took his hand and explained to him.

On a cold day, he frowned and looked unwelcome.

"He's not the master of the sword!"


Summer solstice a Zheng, South is not that he?

The south side awkwardly coughed, "boss, even if I'm not the main sword, I'm also your life-saving benefactor!"

"Hum!" Cold day cold hum a, imposing rebuke a, "old four, your face almost catch up with old five."

When Ji Yixi, who was still in Haicheng, arrived at the hospital with breakfast, he saw the empty ward and smoked.

"What about people?"

The same doctor from Haicheng saw him and said to him, "Ji Shao, Leng always seems to have gone back to Jiangcheng."

"Back?" Ji Yixi was shocked and immediately angry.

Especially, no one told him when I went back to Jiangcheng.

He made a direct call to the south.

In the south of the car, I saw that it was Ji Yixi's phone. I took away some of it and connected it.

The next second, there was the sound of jiyixi's hair blowing.

"Why don't you tell me when you go back?"

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