A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 656

Summer solstice side to his massage, while paying attention to his liquid medicine, see almost immediately ring the call bell.

The doctor came over, first observed at the door, then went in and pulled out the needle.

Xia Zhi stood on one side with a tight face.

Cold day saw her to be afraid of appearance, stretched out a hand to pull down her hand, funny way: "close eyes!"

"Oh..." Summer solstice turns around, eyes closed.

When the doctor tore open the adhesive tape, he accidentally pulled his needle, and his brow tightened up in cold weather. The doctor quickly apologized and pulled out the needle.

"Mr. Leng, hold the eye of the needle!" The doctor's heart trembled.

When summer solstice heard that it was finished, he turned back and leaned over, "I'll press it for him!"

The doctor nodded, packed the medicine bottle, told a cold day to pay attention to rest, and then quickly went out.

"Hold it down!"

Her strength is too big, press his wound or dull pain.

Small wounds are also very abrasive.

"Oh Summer solstice quickly relaxed, see him black handsome face, snicker, "still laugh at me, you are not afraid of it?"

"It's not a matter of being afraid. I'm a raw meat man, too. Can I help it?" Cold days taut handsome face, full of power refuted a sentence.

Summer solstice left the corner of his mouth, no longer damage his male self-esteem.

After waiting for a while, Leng Tiancai pressed and gently raised her chin to signal her to come up for a rest.

"I'll pour you some water!"

Summer solstice turned to pour him a cup of warm water, feed him to drink some, then put down, go to bed.

Seeing that he still pressed his hand, she pulled over and pressed it for him.

And gently rubbed his arm.

"Does it still hurt?"

"No pain, go to sleep!"

He didn't want to sleep much, but she was tired.


The summer solstice pressed, looked, did not see what blood came out, just put in his hand, told a, "don't move this hand."

"Small wound, no harm, go to bed quickly!"

He put his arm around her domineering, chin against her shoulder, rubbed.

She snickered, who just looked miserable.

Nothing to worry about. She was sleepy and soon fell asleep.

In the cold, she was sleeping, breathing long, and kissing between her eyebrows and eyes.

"Wife, it's hard for you!"

He fixed his eyes on the clever way she was sleeping. He could not help touching her face and ears.

I feel like she's still sleeping in her underwear.

He reached out to help her take off, summer solstice did not notice, sleep very heavy.

He sighed, took her, pecked at her soft mouth, and then closed his eyes.

In cold weather, I thought I would not fall asleep so soon, but I fell asleep unconsciously.

At five o'clock in the morning, he woke up from choking urine.

Thinking of the last night in Haicheng, he also woke up and wanted to take his own urinal. As a result, he couldn't see it, which made everyone worried.

He looked at the sleeping woman and turned to ring the call bell.

After a while, the doctor on duty came in and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Leng, what's the matter?"

"Help me to the bathroom!"

"Oh, oh, yes!" The doctor went over and helped him to get up

"Cold weather?"

The summer solstice woke up and saw him standing. He got up in a hurry and was relieved to see the doctor.

"You may go out!"

See her wake up, cold days do not need a doctor, let him out.

"Mr. Leng, it's more convenient for me to help you in the past!" The doctor suggested.

The cold weather gave him a sharp look.

The doctor didn't dare to make any more noise and went out quickly.

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