A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 717

The summer solstice took over the house property certificate and opened it. Sure enough, the householder wrote his name on it.

She moved to look at the cold, this is what he did.

Cold days on her grateful eyes know that the property certificate is no problem.

He turned to Xia Zhenyu and said in a cold voice, "you don't have to pay back the money. I think my wife sent it to you. From then on, you have nothing to do with my wife."

The family had already squandered all that money and, as far as he knew, was in debt.

The last time I beat my face in the hotel, I guess I haven't paid all the money.

It's impossible for them to pay back the money.

In the cold sky, the bottom of my eyes is a little bit cruel.

Xia Zhenyu heart hair fear, should be scalp should be under, "yes!"

This niece is beyond his reach.

"You can go away!" Cheers in cold weather.

"Mr. Leng, I'll ask you about my daughter." Xia Zhenyu hard head reminded a.

He didn't dare to stay for a long time. He turned and left. Seeing that Luo Yuying was still afraid there, he quickly took her away.

"Did we just give them the house property certificate?"

Luo Yuying's unwilling voice came from outside, which was immediately Xia Zhenyu's scolding, "otherwise what? You have the ability to get Yinyin's unfilial daughter out by yourself

Luo Yuying has no choice. She has confessed, but the police believe that it was her daughter who did it. She can't answer the charge.

It's hard to speak in that cold day. I'm scared to death. Just now, my eyes seemed to kill her.

The cold weather gives Fang a look, and Fang retreats.

The summer solstice grasps the house property certificate, in the heart is moved unceasingly.

He brought the house back for her.

Her eyes were hot. "Cold weather, thank you!"

"I'll be happier if I change my name!" On a cold day, the ferocity between the eyebrows dissipated, replaced by gentleness.

With a trace of evil.

Summer solstice a Zheng, smile next, "thank you, husband!"

Cold day picked next eyebrow, pulled her, pecked on her bright red small mouth next.

"Whoever bullies you in the future will bully you back. Don't be afraid of them. I'll support you!"

Her nose was sour, and she nodded chokingly

Cold hand pinched her face, joked: "well, a little bit of small things moved!"

"Oh, I forgot!"

It suddenly occurred to her that she had forgotten to ask about the child.

She really doesn't want to see Luo Yuying and contact her again.

I just forgot about it.

"What have you forgotten?"

Cold day Mou Guang a turn, straight looking at her.

"I forgot to ask about the baby. It was she who cheated me that the baby was gone and lost it." She pursed the corners of her mouth, frowned and clenched her fists.

Cold day pinched her hand, comfort a way: "this matter I can check out, you need not worry, eh?"

The summer solstice sees his face firm appearance, nods, the cold weather is more capable than her, perhaps she asked Luo Yuying can't say.

The real estate certificate is that if it wasn't for cold weather, she couldn't get it back so soon.

"How did you get them to change that?" She shook the property certificate, a little curious.

"Sooner or later, the house will be taken back for you. They bribed the person in it. That person is a little related to Luo Yuying, but I think it will be slower. It happens that Xia Yinyin is not locked up? I said something to make him misunderstand. Xia Zhenyu thought that I would help him release people, so they went to replace them. "

He sneered in the cold.

The summer solstice was shocked. Did he rely on deception?

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