A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 719

Look at them in the cold as if they were dead.

Suddenly his hand reached in front of Fang Yi. Fang Yi knew it and put a gun on his hand.

Cold day Lian Mou, a face of cold play with the gun, face in the basement of the dim light appears evil and deadly.

"You say, if it goes off and accidentally hits you, can you still sue me?"

The cold-blooded and heartless voice seems to come from hell. It makes people breathe slowly and hairy.

Seeing what he had in his hand, Xia Zhenyu's pupils widened and he was stunned.

The whole body seemed to shiver, and her face seemed pale at any time.

The corner of her mouth trembled violently, and her voice was trembling and broken.

"We are the aunts and uncles of the summer solstice. If you dare to She won't forgive you for what she did to us


There was a big bang.

It was quiet.

Poof, poof

There was a smell of urine.

Each bodyguard looked at the two couple who were scared to pee. Fang wrinkled his nose and reached for a fan.

Luo Yuying did not dare to blink. She was staring at the hole beside her feet. There was smoke.

Really What a gun!

She turned her eyes and fainted.

Xia Zhenyu is better than her, but it's not much better. He almost died just now. He was scared and expressionless.

"I hate it when people don't take my words to heart!"

The cold and quiet voice, like the claws of King Yan, tightly grasps people's heart, which makes people dare not breathe hard, otherwise they will be pinched and burst by carelessness.

Xia Zhenyu's forehead was sweating.

It's, what does this man want to do.

He looked at his wife who had fainted, and he wanted to pass out.

Cold days with a cloth, slowly wipe the gun.

Xia Zhenyu didn't dare to make a sound. He was scared that a stream of urine came out of his crotch, and he lost his face.

Cold day looked in the past, the vision of sinister people scalp numbness.

"If you don't answer my next question honestly, don't blame my gun for not being wrong!"

"Good Good... " Xia Zhenyu tied his tongue and nodded fiercely.

It is said that the prince of Jiangcheng is ruthless and inhumane. He learned today.

"Four years ago, my wife had a car accident, dystocia, how much do you know about this? Where did she have the accident? In which hospital was the child born? "

Xia Zhenyu's face was a little flustered.

The cold day narrowed the MI Feng Mou, glided a silk Yin ruthless.

Fang Yi chides, "think well, say!"

"I, I said," Xia Zhenyu was sweating and his back was wet through.

He choked and began to shake his voice. "It was a traffic accident in Lucheng that year. It seems that it was to save people that he had a difficult labor..."

This is what he heard Xia Zhi tell his father later.

"At that time, she was sent to the first hospital in Lucheng, the child Where was the child born

A cold day!

It was in Lucheng

Lucheng is between Haicheng and Jiangcheng.

The face is as cold as ice on a cold day.

On the cold day more sinister eyes, Xia Zhenyu hate to have to know this man.

It's terrible. He doesn't want to do them here, does he?

They came here behind the summer solstice.

The more he thought about it, the more timid Xia Zhenyu was.

Cold sweat.

"And then?"

"But Then... " Xia Zhenyu's tongue was tied and his brain was temporarily blank.

"Say it A cry in the cold.

Xia Zhenyu was shocked.

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