A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 741

"I wouldn't have done that if I had such a serious injury!" It's silly of her to retort, but she's not.

It's just a little bit hurt, so she doesn't care to give back Shi Xiaoyu a statement on herself.

At the same time, she also expresses her attitude. She is not easy to bully.

Even if you dare to do it yourself, who dares to provoke her again.

He who is not afraid of cruelty is afraid of nothing.

Besides, she won't make fun of her life.

She just doesn't want to make a big rain when it's light.

"I hurt myself to return her. If Xiaoyu dares to make trouble, it's absolutely wrong."

"I think you're out of your mind. Do you think she'll be afraid of your wound if she wants to make trouble?" Staring at her in the cold.

"Next time, you dare to hurt yourself, I'll kill you!" He had a sullen and handsome face and scolded her.

The summer solstice shrinks the neck, the water Mou se se se of aimed a facial expression to stink of man, soft voice coax the next angry man, "husband, is a small wound, you don't angry, pay attention to the body!"

"Little wound?" Cold day dark handsome face, hand poke her forehead.

"Hiss It hurts

Summer solstice quickly avoid, cover forehead, pain of her face twitch.

"Isn't it a small wound? What's your name?" In cold weather, he was stiff faced and suppressed.

Leng Yicheng looks at his dark face, which is very frightening. However, seeing the pain of summer solstice, he has the courage to roar back.

"You are not allowed to be cruel to Mommy, smelly man!"

Cold day a fierce eyes swept in the past, cold Yi Cheng was scared to shrink.

Summer solstice quickly pulled the child, touch his head, "baby, daddy is not in the fierce Mommy, he is just worried about Mommy, Mommy is OK!"

"Hum, he's obviously fierce to you, villain. If it wasn't for him, that shameless fox spirit, how could he bully you?"

Hearing his son's words, summer solstice looks surprised.

Are you sure these words are from a four-year-old?

Cold day cold swept the shock on her face, and then faintly take back the line of sight, his wheelchair out of the elevator, to the ward.

"Baby, who taught you this? Do you know what fox spirit means?"

Seeing that he left, Xia Zhi quickly picked up his son and asked in a curious whisper.

Leng Yicheng also scolded shixiaoyu just now.

"I know!" Leng Yicheng nodded, and then continued: "it's the villain who taught me. He said that the woman who specially colludes with men is the fox spirit! At that time, Xiaoyu liked to hook up with him. Naturally, he was a fox spirit

Summer solstice

How can I tell my son this in cold weather?

She is speechless, no good to continue to ask her son to understand what collusion.

Just think of it as a son, OK!

"Baby, he's not a bad guy. He's daddy. He can't talk to Daddy like that, you know? Daddy just helped Mommy, didn't he? "

She dropped her eyes and touched her son's angry face, explaining in a soft voice.

Leng Yicheng thought about it and looked at her. He was still very worried. "He just scolded you!"

"He loves mommy so much that he scolds her! It's not that he scolds me badly. Sometimes he scolds you, isn't he, but it's all for you, isn't it? " In order to change his son's idea, Xia Zhi patiently explained it to him.

"It's not nice to me. Every time I kiss you, he scolds me!"

Leng Yicheng pouts.

Summer solstice blushed, "he is jealous, not really scold you!"

"Jealous?" Leng Yicheng looks at her in a dazed way.

Summer solstice a burst of language plug, do not know how to explain this with his son, hastily way: "scold is love, love of deep responsibility cut!"

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