A Sudden Cute Baby:My Awesome President Dad

Chapter 846

"Why should I say hello to you, you impolite old woman? What's your attitude when my mom talks to you?"

Leng Yicheng stands on the sofa and scolds her with a small face.

Leng Jiawen's face twisted and was scolded by a little boy. She couldn't keep her face.

Summer solstice quickly hugged the child, sorry to nod with her, "children's angry words, you don't mind!"

Leng Jiawen catches her and stares at her fiercely. "Xiao Chengcheng hasn't talked to me like this before. You've taught the child badly! Ill bred

Before, it was not that Leng Yicheng didn't say these angry words to her, it was that he ignored her at all.

The summer solstice is angry, "who do you say is uneducated?"

"I said you!"

"What's wrong with you?" The smoke of summer solstice, if not for the sake of cold weather, she needs to be so despised by her?

"My child's words are all right. I think you have a problem. When others talk to you, you can respond. He says that you teach you to be a man. My son is 100 times better than you!"

Who can bear what can't, dare say her son.

"You..." Leng Jia and Wen Qi pointed to the summer solstice, shaking for a long time, unable to speak.

"Auntie, be polite to my wife!"

A cold voice came. Leng Jia shivered coldly. This guy was cold-blooded, and he didn't care about his family at all.

"Xiaotian, I'm not educating her. How can children talk to their elders like this?"

Leng Jiawen's face changed quickly. She turned back to explain to lengtian with a smile.

Cold eyes sharp stare at her, thin lips with a touch of cynicism.

"Auntie, I'm the one who led the baby. Do you have any opinions?"

What about his son? She's in charge?

Leng Jiawen looked at him coldly and angrily. Her scalp felt numb. She quickly explained, "no, I didn't say Xiao Chengcheng is wrong..."

"That means my wife is wrong." His face sank in the cold.

Leng Jiawen looked at it, but he didn't know how he cared about the poor woman that an old man gave him.

"No, it's not I'm just worried that she doesn't teach her children the same way you do! " She replied with a stiff head.

"Does my son need you to worry?" In cold weather, I didn't give any face at all. I cheered in a cold voice: "how about my wife is my favorite. It's not your turn to teach her."

Leng Jiawen's face was black and blue, and she couldn't help saying in a harsh voice, "Xiaotian, do you talk to me like this?"

"What do I have to do with you? Why can't I talk to you like that?"

Cold day sneer, "you come to my house, look at me, I understand, but you dare to teach my wife, which onion are you?"

Since Leng Yicheng was kidnapped last time, he hasn't shown any kindness to her.

Leng Jiawen was scolded by him. She was so angry that she wanted to scold him back, but she looked at him coldly, shrunk, and didn't dare to talk.

"I just said the wrong thing, aunt, you don't mind!"

"Uncle Yi, send her out. Don't let these people come in. It pollutes the air in my house!"

In cold weather, she didn't look at her hypocrisy, so she told the housekeeper to drive people away.

"Xiaotian, I came to see you kindly, and you humiliated me like that?" Leng Jia Wen said angrily.

What she said was his elder, and nothing he said to her was nice.

Sarcasm, she shouldn't have come.

Cold eyes, sharp cut in the past.

"You don't have to think about coming to me to beg. Your husband can't come out!"

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